
Sunday 22 September 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-9-2024 — Bulgaria

22nd September, 2024: Bulgaria.

Right … 

It’s now Sunday: and I’ve officially reviewed the third episode of The Celestial Toymaker.

I hope you enjoy it … and want to press the like button … !


You’re probably aware — especially if you’re in the UK — that the late former Harrods owner, Mohammed al-Fayed, is facing investigation after a BBC documentary was aired, a few days ago.

It’s a shame the BBC didn’t air something similar about Jimmy Saville: they could have saved themselves a lot of flack!

At any rate … ?

The Crown Prosecution Service has come forward: and revealed that at least two cases were passed to it.

That they felt had any prosecutions had an “unrealistic prospect of success”.

In three other cases?

Investigations were at advanced stages: but files were never passed to prosecutors.

We’re also reminded that al-Fayed owned Fulham FC.

And that, according to other reports, the club made efforts to protect young players from the boss.

Or, at least, make sure players were never on their own with the man.

I’m assuming by making sure players were chaperoned.

Al-Fayed’s reputation seems to have been known, even if there may have been little, available, evidence.

That last point, though?   Fulham trying to make protective efforts?

Put me in mind of hacker, John Draper: also known as Captain Crunch*, the celebrity hacker.

From what I know, he’s faced — or facing — several allegations of unwanted sexual behaviour.

And, again, from the little I know?

He’s been banned from several computer conferences: after they felt chaperoning anyone in his orbit wasn’t effective.

You can possibly see why my first thought was of Draper.

Chaperones, and warnings, seem helpful: even if they just slow — not stop — things. 

Either way … ?

I feel this sort of behaviour is, sadly, common: people in power, or with influence, use that power to behave badly.

I can only hope we reduce cases like al-Fayed’s, Saville’s, Draper’s, and the many others: even if we can’t entirely prevent them.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring four out of five.

The day also saw Olga§ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Bulgarian questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        22nd September is Independence Day in Bulgaria.   It marks the country’s independence from what: the Soviet Union, the Ottoman Empire or China?

Q2)        Bulgaria marks Liberation Day on 3rd March.   It marks it’s Liberation from where: the Soviet Union, the Ottoman Empire or China?

Q3)        Bulgaria’s head of state is its what: monarch, president or Archimandrite?

Q4)        Sirene, and kashkaval, are Bulgarian what: cheeses, soups or yoghurts?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Bulgaria’s official language?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st September is Independence Day in Malta.   It marks the country’s indolence from where: the UK, USA or UAE?
A1)        The UK.

Q2)        The country became independent in which year of the 196os?
A2)        1964.

Q3)        Malta also joined what, on Independence Day: the UN, EU or Commonwealth?
A3)        The Commonwealth.

Q4)        Name either one of Malta’s two official languages.
A4)        Maltese or English.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Ftira is a Maltese what: soup, bread or sausage?
A5)        Bread.
Here’s a thought …
“Located west of the Black Sea and south of the Danube river, Bulgaria is bordered by Greece and Turkey to the south, Serbia and North Macedonia to the west, and Romania to the north.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Bulgaria.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I can remember reading Steve Wozniak’s autobiography, many years ago.   And some of the interviews he’s given about Crunch.   If memory serves?   He tells of a time when his fellow Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, visited Draper, privately.   And, when Woz asked how the meeting went, Jobs said words to the effect of “Well, that was interesting!”
        Where did I see that?   I blowed if I can remember.   Did Woz tell it?   Make it up?   I’m blowed if I know!   But if it’s a genuine story?   What on Earth happened?

        Hello, Mum: see you later!

        Slow down on the typing, Debbi … !
        I think Sir Terry Pratchett would’ve called the Game of Thrones novel, EFPs, Debbi.   “Extruded Fantasy Product” … … 
        I’ve never heard of Bodies, Debbi: but will try and keep an eye peeled.   Hearing the word always makes me think of the old Pistols song: which is grim listening, given the subject.

§        The phone idea seems to get around, Olga: whether it’s art imitating life or life imitating art, I don’t know!   At any rate, I hope the festival went well!   (Sant3’s seems to have named you their Chief Festival Correspondent!)


  1. 1 Ottoman Empire
    2 Soviet Union
    3 President
    4 cheese
    5 Bulgarian

  2. Q1) the Ottoman Empire

    Q2) the Ottoman Empire

    Q3) president

    Q4) cheeses

    Q5) Bulgarian

    Thanks, Paul. Yes, I guess living here and very nearby the play where the fair was taking place, helped. I'll send you a link when the pictures are posted, as there were some lovely puppies (there were a lot of associations working with cats as well, but they didn't bring them. I wonder why! One of the puppies was trying to chew the cable of the microphone. I didn't notice any damage, though, fingers crossed!)

  3. Don't think I could type much slower. :)

    1. the Ottoman Empire
    2. the Ottoman Empire
    3. president
    4. cheeses
    5. Bulgarian


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