Including one from a customer we’ll call Sid, to preserve his privacy: who seemed both genuine, and friendly.
Facebook Marketplace throws you buyers who aren’t, buyers who are chancing it, buyers who are ‘just looking’ … and buyers who are making genuine, but low, offers.
Sid seemed genuine, and was prepared to put in a good offer.
And had done enough research into the seller — me! — to make sure I was kosher!
And felt confident enough to turn up from London, with the cash … and walk away with the machine, a copy of Genesis of the Daleks, a free HDMI cable … and a discount.
The man was a Dr Who fan, after all: one quite happy to natter about the relative merits of various episodes.
Good customers — and friendly ones, at that — are hard to find.
Sid, if you’re reading this?
Thank you, sir!
Let’s move on.
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum‡, Olga§, Irene¶ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga, Mum and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Irene on four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
* I tend to base my selling prices on the ones on CeX†’s website: they’ll be buying something at one price, and selling at another. Going by my quick checking of the CeX website, this morning? Cex have — ha! — put their prices up since I checked on Wednesday. Wouldn’t you know it?
At any rate, I believe the low offer I got was based on that price: but don’t know.
† The company can effectively charge VAT at a lower rate than usual: as the goods it sells are second hand. That helps its profits.
‡ Hello, Mum! (Have you had a quote for the replacement tyre?)
§ Now, those birds would be something to see, Olga. I had a bedsit in what used to be Brentwood’s maternity hospital. I miss the blue-tits that used to next in the eaves: right outside my room’s main window!
I don’t know if it would be practical … but would setting up an external webcam be an idea? Video recording the nest for half an hour or so — while you’re working it on something else — might be an idea.
Have a good day at the event, Olga: we’ll see you when you’re here. (Gaudí’s Ghost sounds like a good name for a novel … )
¶ Morning, Irene: how is the day … ? (Sorry to mark you down, yesterday: but the named translators only worked on English versions.)
^ I’m glad they’re going down well, Debbi! Writing them is getting a bit easier: although adding the HTMI code is a drag!
Oh, about selling on the mini? The chap was very friendly, and a fan. (He walked away with a copy of Genesis of the Daleks: it fell off the back of a TARDIS …)
Did I mention my version of Siri now sound’s vague like Jodie Whittaker? The jokes haven’t improved …
Q5) the Latin alphabet The camera is an idea, although I would probably should have set it up sooner, and because they are supposed to be refurbishing the front of the building, I don't think installing anything that requires work would be good (and a non-fixed one would get easily knocked off by the external blinds we have, and the wind). Looking at it, perhaps the security cameras we have indoors would have captured something, but I don't think they are powerful enough, and I don't think the security company keeps the footage either. By the way, the excursion and guided visit got cancelled because of the weather forecast. It rained all night and this morning it was raining again, so no visit. But you are right about the novel, and, in fact, there are quite a few novels based on Gaudí, as he was quite a weird character. (I know a writer who discovered that a woman who lived in the neighbourhood gave away a fair amount of money to help build la Sagrada Familia, and he's written a couple of books on the subject, that we have featured on Sants 3 Ràdio, although some can be imaginative and highly fictionalised... Good news on the computer. It sounds as if you found a genuine and nice buyer.
I love it when someone comments. But, having had anonymous comments I feel may be libellous, actionable or just plain offensive, over the years?
I’d appreciate you* leaving your name — with a link to your website or social-media profile†, for preference — before you post a comment.
Should you choose to use a pseudonym/name, I’d appreciate it if that name were to be polite and inoffensive. I’d rather you kept it clean, and relatively grown up. Comments left with a pseudonym will be posted at my discretion: I really prefer a link.
Contentious, actionable or abusive posts left anonymously will not be posted. Nor will comments using offensive pseudonyms or language, or that are abusive of other commenters.
Thank you.
* I know many value their online privacy. I respect that. But hope you respect my wish to see who’s commenting on my blog: and my wish for you to introduce your self to me, and to your fellow commentors.
† Your Facebook, X/Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, TikTok or LinkedIn profile are acceptable. I also like seeing folks webpages.
Q1) 1009
ReplyDeleteQ2) Germany
Q3) Baltic
Q4) coastline
Q5) the Latin alphabet
The camera is an idea, although I would probably should have set it up sooner, and because they are supposed to be refurbishing the front of the building, I don't think installing anything that requires work would be good (and a non-fixed one would get easily knocked off by the external blinds we have, and the wind). Looking at it, perhaps the security cameras we have indoors would have captured something, but I don't think they are powerful enough, and I don't think the security company keeps the footage either.
By the way, the excursion and guided visit got cancelled because of the weather forecast. It rained all night and this morning it was raining again, so no visit. But you are right about the novel, and, in fact, there are quite a few novels based on Gaudí, as he was quite a weird character. (I know a writer who discovered that a woman who lived in the neighbourhood gave away a fair amount of money to help build la Sagrada Familia, and he's written a couple of books on the subject, that we have featured on Sants 3 Ràdio, although some can be imaginative and highly fictionalised...
Good news on the computer. It sounds as if you found a genuine and nice buyer.
1 1009
ReplyDelete2 Germany
3 Baltic
4 Coastline
5 Latin
Siri must overhear a lot of Dad jokes! :)
ReplyDelete1. 1009
2. Germany
3. Baltic
4. coastline
5. the Latin alphabet
Always nice to come across another Doctor Who fan! Glad that worked out.