Monday, 10 March 2025

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th March, 2025.

10th March, 2025.

Right … it’s officially Monday … and, as ever, I’m up early.

Yes: I’m off to my weight management class, again.


I’ll lost something.

In addition to my wits, sense, brains, money, and lord knows what else!


Oh … I’m in the middle of making the next batch of Teaser videos.

Which is always a big job.

I’m am grateful I’ve got the machinery I have, though: the 2024 model mini I have, makes quick work of the process.

At least, of the exporting process.

That’s always helpful.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s six question set, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Snap elections took place on 10th March, 2024.   Where: Spain, Portugal or Lusitania?

Q2)        The country in question has a one-house parliament.   A parliament called the Assembly of the what: Republic, Monarchy or Theocrats?

Q3)        Poet, Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, was born on 10th March, 1788: in the Kingdom of Prussia.   The Kingdom is now part of where: Germany, Italy or China?

Q4)        10th March, 1977, saw rings discovered.   Around which planet: Jupiter, Saturn or Uranus?

Q5)        10th March is the UN sponsored International Day of Women … what: barristers, judges or solicitors?

Q6)        Finally … ?   10th March saw Massachusetts ratify the Articles of Confederation. 10th March of which year: 1778, 1780 or 1782?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Lithuania was first mentioned in the records of a town called Quedlinburg.   On 9th March of which year: 1007, 1009 or 1011?
A1)        1009.

Q2)        Where is Quedlinburg: Germany, Latvia or Poland?
A2)        Germany.

Q3)        Lithuania is one of three what states: Balkan, Baltic or Bullnose?
A3)        Baltic.

Q4)        According to the World Fact Book, Lithuania has ninety kilometres of what: coastline, land borders or motorways?
A4)        Coastline.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Lithuanian language uses a version of which script: the Latin alphabet, Egyptian hieroglyphs or Japanese Katagana?
A5)        Latin alphabet.
Here’s a thought …
“Fifa cannot sit by and see greed rule the football world.   Nor shall we.”
Sepp Blatter, born 10 March 1936.
A song …

And an earworm …

The next ten question set is on 14th March: it’s about Michael Caine.

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Those problems do sound awkward, Olga.   Mind you, that leaves it as something to think about for next year: live streaming§’s a possible option, as well.
        I’ll have to keep my eyes open, on the Gaudí front, then: I’ve a little spending money, at the moment.
        That I did, Olga, that I did … !

        Hello, Mum!

        You’ve heard of Steve Wozniak, haven’t you, Debbi?   One of the co-founders of Apple?   Did you know he ran his own Dial-a-Joke service, way back when … ?
        I’m just wondering if Siri is recycling some of those gags … 

§        I caught this video, recently, Olga: about the world’s first streaming celebrity.   It was a coffee pot in Cambridge … 


Olga said...

Q1) Portugal

Q2) Republic

Q3) Germany

Q4) Uranus

Q5) judges

Q6) 1778 (I a very confused about this, because I’ve found different dates in different places, although the year seems correct. Here it says June, in others February, and I’ve even read about a conference to decide.
That's funny! I might try to take a normal video (as there are moments you can see the little one but others when mother or father are covering it), and see what show...

Mum said...

1 Portugal
2 Republic
3 Germany
4 Saturn
5 Judges
6 1782

Irene said...

1. Portugal
2. Republic
3. Germany
4. Uranus
5. Judges
6. 1780

Debbi said...

An AI can only borrow/steal/learn from others. So, I wouldn't be surprised. :)

2. Republic
3. Germany
4. Uranus
5. judges
6. 1778