
Sunday 15 October 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-10-2017: I Love Lucy,

Bleugh … 

It’s incredibly early on a Sunday morning.

And I’d like to ask a question … 

Well, an extra question.

What AM I doing up, this early?

It’s comparatively easy to answer: I’m at work, early.

Oy … 

Veh … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) 15th October saw the debut episode of I Love Lucy.   In which year of the 1950s?
Q2) The Lucy in question was Lucille … who?
Q3) Lucy’s on-screen husband — Ricky Ricardo — was played by Lucille’s then — off-screen — husband.   Who was he?
Q4) The production company born as a result of the show — Desilu — also produced the original Mission: Impossible series. And which science fiction show?
Q5) Finally … The show is a very well known what: sit-com, cop show or docudrama?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 14th October is the feast day of Pope Callixtus 1st.   He’s the patron saint of whom: tanners, cemetery workers or cesspit cleaners?
A1) Cemetery workers.
Q2) Britain’s new 50p piece was introduced: on 14th October, 1969.   It was supposed to replace what: the 10 shilling note, the half crown or the florin?
A2) The 10 shilling note.
Q3) 14th October, 1980, saw the birth of actor, Ben Whishaw.   Which character does the he play in recent James Bond movies?
A3) Q.
Q4) The UK had a Imperial visit: on 14th October, 1954.   From which Emperor?
A4) Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.
Q5) Finally?   Ronald Reagan declared war: on 14th October, 1982.   A war on what?
A5) Drugs.
Here’s another question …
“I made a funny?”
Lucy Ricardo.
And a tune … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Have a good day.

*        Lore … ?   I have to admit, that’s a new one on me, Olga‡ … !   The Wikipedia page says it’s an anthology series?   Looks like American Horror Story is having an effect!   (The one Amazon series I have seen is The Man in the High Castle: which is very good!)

†        Oh, blimey, there’s a series I haven’t seen in a while, Debbi^: The Saint!   The Roger Moore version used to get repeated, when I was younger: but the version I grew up on was Return of the Saint: with Ian Ogilvy.   Oh … and the tune by Splodgenessabounds … 

†        I think I read somewhere, Olga, that there were plans for Star Trek Discovery to be an anthology: couldn’t tell you for sure, though.

^        Sounds a bit like The War on Terror, Debbi: it’s been … counterproductive.


  1. Q1) 1951
    Q2) Ball
    Q3) Desi Arnaz
    Q4) Star Trek
    Q5) Sit-com
    I did manage to catch episode 3 of Lore yesterday about Changelings. Fascinating for sure (although I don't know why the sound doesn't seem to be very good).

  2. Indeed, it has been. Cool video of Simon Templar! :)

    1. 1951
    2. Ball
    3. Desi Arnaz
    4. Star Trek
    5. sit-com

  3. A1 1951

    A2 Ricardo ( in real life Ball) (Question was ambiguous)

    A3 Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III (Desi Arnaz)

    A4 Star Trek

    A5 sit-com

    I am wondering if you have been watching the great Sunday night Philip K. Dick hour long short stories on Channel 4. I think some of them have been very good.

    Mind you I have most of his books and think that he is a great Sci-Fi writer.


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