
Monday 8 July 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th July, 2024.

8th July, 2024.

Right, then … Mondays … !

I think I’ve got a certain world-weariness about Mondays.

But, then again?

So does a lot of the planet!

At any rate … ?

I’m due at my weight management group, this morning.


I’ll’ve lost more weight!


You’re possibly aware I’m in Brentwood: a town in Essex.

And you’re possibly also aware that Brentwood’s not far from a town called Basildon.

Basildon and Romford?   Are the two nearest towns with cinemas.

And, frankly?

It looks like Basidon’s due to get another one.

Good for them.

Speaking personally, though?

I would LOVE to have seen that cinema opening here in Brentwood.

It’s been years since we’ve had one.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th July, 1885, saw the birth of Hugo Boss.   Notoriously, his clothing company designed the uniforms for whom: the Young Pioneers, the Blackshirts or the SS?

Q2)        The fourth Harry Potter novel was published on 8th July, 2000.   It was called Harry Potter and the Goblet of what: Earth, Air, Fire or Water?

Q3)        8th July is the Feast Day of Saint Grimbald.   The saint was said to be a figure in which King’s court: Charles the Bald’s, Pepin the Fat’s or Alfred the Great’s?

Q4)        Shinzo Abe was assassinated on 8th July, 2022.   He’d been a Prime Minister of where?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Maya Hawke was born on 8th July, 1998.   She plays Robin Buckley in which TV series: For All Mankind, Foundation or Stranger Things?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th July is Independence Day in the Solomon Islands.   It became independent in which year of the 1970s?
A1)        1978.

Q2)        Independence from where: the UK, Australia or New Zealand?
A2)        The UK.

Q3)        The Solomons are where: Micronesia, Melanesia or Polynesia?
A3)        Melanesia.

Q4)        What’s the Solomons’ currency: the Solomon Islands Pound, Solomon Islands Dollar or the Solomon Islands Franc?
A4)        The Solomon Islands Dollar.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The official language on the Islands is English.   The de facto language is called Solomon Islands what: pijin, creole or patois?
A5)        Solomon Islands pijin.
Here’s a thought …
“When you start you’re trying to achieve staying alive and getting home. If you can do both of those, then you stand a chance of breaking the record.”
Ellen MacArthur, born 8th July, 1976.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Will do, Olga¶: I think I’m going to need it.   (Give Jordi, your mother and the Sants3 gang my regards, please!)

        I can imagine, Debbi¶!   Pointless trivia, though: Tiny Tim apparently plays ukulele left handedly, but guitar, right handedly!   Go figure!

        Pointless trivia for you, both.   The Japanese government has declared victory in its war against floppy discs!   Japan, of all places, has finally phased out the floppy.   I don’t know whether to be impressed or surprised.   (I can still remember when my quiz database fit on a floppy.   That was a few years ago!)


  1. Actually, Debbi, I’ve got Tiptoe through the Tulips on, again.

    My imagination’s telling me there’s tap dancers in the instrument break …

  2. Q1) the SS

    Q2) Fire

    Q3) Alfred the Great

    Q4) Japan

    Q5) Stranger Things
    Thanks, Paul. I hope you've done well at the meeting. Jordi is fine, and his wife is doing well with the physiotherapy. I'll let you know how things go at the radio this afternoon, but I hope everything got recorded and we can get a couple of news items from that.

  3. 1 SS
    2 Fire
    3 Alfred the Great
    4 Japan
    5 Stranger Things

  4. Japan has done well for itself when it comes to electronics and cars. :)

    1. the Blackshirt
    2. Fire
    3. Alfred the Great's
    4. Japan
    5. Stranger Things

    Further pointless trivia: I'll be spending my birthday tomorrow getting ready for a colonoscopy. What fun!

    Any cake will have to wait! :)


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