
Friday 2 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-8-204 — International Beer Day

2nd August, 2024: International Beer Day

It’s officially official: it’s Friday!

And … ?

Frankly, I’m enjoying — ha! — the various laxatives I’m having to take: in the run up to next Tuesday’s colonoscopy.

I would get sarcastic … just not with these bowels!


One nice thing, though?

Was spending time with my nephew, Jude, yesterday.

He’s a bright young man, who’s suddenly developed a vague interest in politics: very vague, I think.

And a habit of putting games videos together!


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        2nd August, 2024, is International Beer Day.   Beer is usually made with what: barley, buckwheat or quinoa?

Q2)        Weissbeer is made with large amounts of what: wheat, maize or rice?

Q3)        Beer usually contains an alcohol.   Which alcohol: methanol, ethanol or butanol?

Q4)        Beer is top-fermented, or bottom-fermented.   What, in other words, is at the top or bottom: yeast, grain, hops or starch?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Beer in the UK is usually stored in kegs. And what else: tubes, casks or yonkers?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st August is the national day of Switzerland.   The country is where: Europe, Asia or Africa?
A1)        Europe.

Q2)        The day marks the country’s constitutional charter.   Which dates back to when: 1290, 1291 or 1292?
A2)        1291.

Q3)        Switzerland is what: a monarchy, confederacy or theocracy?
A3)        A confederacy.

Q4)        The country is made up of twenty-six what: counties, cantons or provinces?
A4)        Canton.
Q5)        Does Switzerland have an official capital?
A5)        No.

Q6)        Does Switzerland have an unofficial capital?
A6)        Yes: Bern.

Q7)        What’s Switzerland’s largest city by population: Basel, Geneva or Zürich?
A7)        Zürich.

Q8)        Switzerland has four official languages.   Name one of them.
A8)        French, German, Italian and Romansh.

Q9)        UBS, Credit Suisse and Reiffeisen, are all Swiss whats: banks, oil petrochemical companies or semiconductor companies?
A9)        Banks.   Wikipedia has a whole entry on Swiss Gnomes

Q10)        Finally … ?   Emmental, Gruyère and Appenzeller are Swiss what: cheese, chocolate or ham?
A10)        Cheese.
Here’s a thought …
“Many battles have been fought and won by soldiers nourished on beer, and the King does not believe that coffee-drinking soldiers can be relied upon to endure hardships in case of another war.”
Frederick 2nd of Prussia.
A song …

And an earworm …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Fun was certainly had, Olga.   I think Jude’s getting some interesting lessons at school.   Whether they’re the ones the teachers are giving him is another matter!
        At any rate … ?   I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your mother and her friend!   Between her and Jude, we’re keeping busy!
        The thunderstorms we were expecting?   Didn’t turn up!   About the only upside to the hot evening … ?   Was that I managed to catch the early episodes of The Big Bang Theory§, last night.   I’d never seen any, ’til last night.

        Hello, Mum!   (The actual answer to Q6 was ‘yes’, Mum, not ‘Bern’!)

‡        I might have to sit down with The Third Man, again, Debbi: the thing has tone!
        Oh, did I mention I caught a the first few episodes of The Big Bang Theory§, last night?   That was fun!
        Hmmmm … I think you’ve given me the wrong link, there, Debbi.   I think it’s the one that lets you manage the list: rather than the one that lets the public view it!

§        Olga, Debbi, did I ever mention cult British comedy, The Young Ones?   It was a big hit, back in the 1980s.
        For all it was fairly radical, I saw a theory that said The Young Ones was actually a take on a traditional sitcom: Neil and Mike were the parents, Rik and Vyvian were the kids, Mr Balowski was the interfering neighbour.
        I think we can say the same for The Big Bang Theory: Leonard and Penny are the parents, Sheldon’s the eldest kid, Howard and Rajesh are the two younger kids.   Quite what that makes Amy and Bernadette, I don’t know!


  1. 1 Barley
    2 Wheat
    3 Ethanol
    4 Yeast
    5 Casks

  2. Q1) barley

    Q2) wheat

    Q3) ethanol

    Q4) yeast

    Q5) casks
    Oh, I know The Young Ones. My cousin John was (probably still is, but I haven't caught up with him for a while) very fond of it. And the theory makes sense. And you're probably right about the Big Bang Theory. Well, I guess the girls can be playmates of sorts (or older sisters, secondary mothers?). Penny isn't the most organised person, while the other two are better at it, each one with her own issues, of course. I used to watch the Big Bang Theory and I catch the odd episode these days, but I am sure I didn't watch many (if any) of the full seasons.

  3. Hmm. Maybe this one will work better?

    1. barley
    2. wheat
    3. ethanol
    4. yeast
    5. casks

    Nice, short answers! :)

    Also, check out my movie review blog post. Linked to my name.


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