
Sunday 4 August 2024

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4th August 2024.

4th August, 2024.

It’s Sunday … 

And, frankly … ?

I am tired!

It’s my own damn fault: for binge watching the first series of The Big Bang Series!


If you’re in the UK … ?

You’re possibly aware that newsreader, Huw Edwards, and pled guilty to charges of making and owning indecent images of children.

His former employer, the BBC?

Is now deleting anything that features him from their archive: including from an episode of Dr Who that he appeared in.

That episode’s begin removed, it seems, until Edwards’ part of it can be replaced.

I think I’d be happier if they didn’t.

Although I know Aunty Beeb did something similar with A Fix With Sontarans, the Children in Need special that feature Jimmy Saville.

In the case of Edwards … ?

I think that putting up some sort of trigger warning — as the BBC were once doing with the iPlayer version of Porridge — would be more appropriate.

I’m very aware, though, that Edwards was the face of the BBC’s coverage of both Charles 3rd’s coronation … and the late Queen’s death.

Quite what the BBC will be doing, there … ?

I don’t know.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th August, 1961, saw the birth of Barack Obama: the 44th President of the United States.   In which US state?

Q2)        4th August is the feast day of Saint Raynerius of Split.   Where is Split: Croatia, Slovenia or Hungary?

Q3)        4th August, 1693, is the traditional date of the invention of champagne: by a monk called Dom Pérignon.   Champagne is a what: beer, sparkling wine or whisky?

Q4)        Director, Greta Gerwig, was born: on 4th July, 1983.   She wrote and directed which 2023, Margot Robbie, film?

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th August, 1704, saw Britain capture where: the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar or the Isle of Dogs?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        Many Yazidi people were massacred in Sinjar on 3rd August, 2014: by members of the Islamic State group.   Sinjar, and the Yazidi, were in northern where: Iraq, Iran or Israel?
A1)        Iraq.

Q2)        3rd August is Independence Day in Niger.   The country’s on which continent: Africa, Asia or Europe?
A2)        Africa.

Q3)        Britain’s then highest temperature was recorded on 3rd August.   Of which year of the 1990s?
A3)        1990. (It hit 37.1ºC in Leicestershire.   Given our hot summers, these days, that barely registers.)

Q4)        The TRS 80 computer was first released on 3rd August, 1977.   By whom: Apple, Tandy or Sinclair Research?
A4)        Tandy.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Habib Bourguiba was born on 3rd August, 1903.   He was the first president of which North African country … ?
A5)        Tunisia.
Here’s a thought …
“I’m very interested in desires that don’t have categories.”
Greta Gerwig, born 4th August, 1983.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Equal pay’s an old issue, Olga.   That doesn’t mean it’s not relevant, just that it’s been around for some time!   As I recall, Sandi Toksvig was offered a lot less than Stephen Fry for the position of QI host.   And I don’t know how much Jodi Whittaker got for the role of Dr Who: but — if there’s any fairness in the world! — should have got the same as Peter Capaldi.   I believe that’s been part of UK law for some time.

        Hello, Mum!

        It’s worth watching, Debbi.   He covers the whole thing about Huw Edwards the newsreader who’s awaiting sentencing.
        You’ll be happy to hear there’s no more ten question set: for The moment.
        Oh, that’s a thought, Debbi?   Did you the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds clip that Paramount recently released?   Where the crew get turned into Vulcans?
        There’s an old phrase, ‘hoity toity’, that sums up the Vulcan version of Uhura, perfectly!


  1. 1 Hawaii
    2 Croatia
    3 Soarkling wine
    4 Barbie Gurl
    5 Gibralter

  2. Q1) Hawaii

    Q2) Croatia

    Q3) sparkling wine

    Q4) Barbie

    Q5) Gibraltar
    Yes, it is an old issue and there is legislation in a lot of places. Still, it goes on, for one reason or another. I agree with you on putting a warning rather than removing anything Huw Edwards has been in. They would have to erase a lot of important stuff! And I don't think you should erase history off by removing people from it. For good or bad, they were there.

  3. Oh, thank you! Thank you!

    1. Hawaii
    2. Croatia
    3. sparkling wine
    4. Barbie
    5. Gibraltar


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