
Friday 23 April 2010

The Daily Teaser

Right, I’m going to be honest, today’s teaser is a bit of a rush …

And a BIT vanilla!

As I’ve done it at Brentwood Library …

As my new router’s turned up, and I’d like to head home, to set that up.

Complete, Mark, with the relevant IP addresses on the relevant computer! I think what's CAUSED the problem is the simple fact that my vintage iMac had hijacked the one that should have been used by the more modern Mac Mini!

At any rate, so you know, yesterday's Teaser saw Andrea - all on her ownsome, Trevor, Simon, @Kaiju, that's a dreadful way to treat a Lady! - scoring full points!

As I'm still not sure of the exact translation of Papa Doc … !

At any rate, here’s today's questions: you know where the ‘How To’ and License are, don't you?

This version of IE doesn’t do tabbed browsing* ... !

Q1) What’s the inscription on the George Cross?

Q2) How many kings of England have been called George?

Q3) In which country of the Middle East was Saint George martyred?

Q4) Which crusading knights first wore the Cross of Saint George, on their armour?

Q5) William Shakespeare died on Saint George’s day of which year?

Q6) Who was considered the patron saint of England before Saint George?

Q7) Of which royal complex is St George’s Chapel a feature?

Q8) Which Shakespearean figure rallies his men with the words ”Cry God for Harry, England and St George!”?

Q9) Which Spanish playwright died on St George’s Day in 1616?

Q10) Which one of the following organisations does not consider St George its patron saint - the Scouts, the Royal Automobile Club or the Freemasons?

Q11) Edward 3rd announced the foundation of which order of knighthood, on 23rd April, 1348?

Q12) Saint Georges Day, 1661, saw who crowned as King of England, Scotland and Ireland?

Q13) 23rd April, 1984, saw US scientists announced they discovered a virus that was potentially linked to AIDS: now know as HIV, what name did they give it?

Q14) 23rd April, 1998, saw which assassin die in prison of terminal liver disease?

Q15) And finally … 23rd April, 1996, saw the death of Pamela Lyndon Travers: which famous children's character did she write create?

And here's yesterday's questions and answers …

Q1) 22nd April, 1959, saw who released from a Panamanian jail?
A1) Dame Margo Fonteyn.

Q2) 22nd April, 1912, saw which newspaper begin publication, in Saint Petersburg?
A2) Pravda.

Q3) 22nd April, 1930, saw three countries sign the London Naval Agreement: name any one of them.
A3) The UK, the USA and Japan.

Q4) 22nd April, 1971, saw the death of Haitian dictator, François Duvalier: what was his nickname … In French … ?!
A4) Papa Doc. (Or, occasionally, Daddy Doctor.)

Q5) Just as a side question: Duvalier’s rural militia, the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale, were also called … what?
A5) The Tonton Macoutes.

Q6) An finally … 22nd April, 1979, saw a memorial to whom unveiled at the United States National Academy of Sciences?
A6) Dr Albert Einstein.

Fill in the sarcastic comments for yourselves, I’m SURE you can do better than me ...


  1. Q1. For Gallantry
    Q2. 6
    Q3. Palestine
    Q4. English Crusaders under Richards I (?)
    Q5. 1616
    Q6. St Edmund
    Q7. Windsor
    Q8. Henry V
    Q9. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
    Q10.The Royal Automobile Club
    Q11.The Order of the Garter
    Q12.Charles II
    Q13.Human Immunodeficiency Virus
    Q14.James Earl Ray
    Q15.Mary Poppins

    Andrea Pinkylips29

    A writer is, after all, only half his book. The other half is the reader and from the reader the writer learns.
    P. L. Travers

    A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Happy St. George Day!

  2. Q1 "For Gallantry”
    Q2 6 kings called George
    Q3 Nicomedia (Izmit) in Turkey
    Q4 The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon commonly called the Knights Templar (Richard 1st s men wore a white cross and at the time the French wore a red cross)
    Q5 1616
    Q6 Edward the Confessor
    Q7 Windsor Castle
    Q8 Henry V
    Q9 Miguel de Cervantes but 10 days before Shakespeare as England and Spain on different Calendars at that time
    Q10 Freemasons who have the Saints John
    Q11 The Most Noble Order of the Garter
    Q12 Charles II
    Q13 The HTLV-3 virus was discovered to be the same as the LAV virus discovered in France. To avoid confusion, it was re-named HIV in 1987.
    Q14 James Earl Ray
    Q15 Mary Poppins


    Here are yesterdays answers which you lost some where :-
    . Q1 Dame Margot Fonteyn (Statue of her in Reigate near where i once worked)
    Q2 Pravda (Правда, "Truth")
    Q3 United Kingdom Japan United States
    Q4 Papa Doc
    Q5 Tonton Macoutes
    Q6 Albert Einstein Memorial

  3. Wowsa!!

    VERY apposite quotes, there, Andrea!

    Oh, and the connection’s back on, so I’ve added a couple of extra bits … !!

  4. I like the cartoon Paul! I just noticed I put my last name instead of Richard I! LOL! I had to guess at some of them today. Glad to have you back online. Trevors a gentleman he always joins in.



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