
Thursday 22 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …


I hate having to borrow some-one else’s machine and net connection, I really do!

Right at the moment, I’ve borrowed Allison’s sensible notebook, and connection, at her place.

Just to post up today’s Teaser.

And I’m planning on giving BT hell, as you might be able to imagine …

But what seems to be causing problems is the simple fact that the IP address associated with my router has got itself transferred to the vintage iMac.

Oy veh … !

Bunnius Unhappius is definitely the phrase …

But lets get on with it, shall we?

I’m just hoping I don’t get too deserted by my loyal audience …

I do know that yesterday’s Teaser saw DjAlfy Officially stumped …

And Trevor getting 7 out of 7.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 22nd April, 1959, saw who released from a Panamanian jail?

Q2) 22nd April, 1912, saw which newspaper begin publication, in Saint Petersburg?

Q3) 22nd April, 1930, saw three countries sign the London Naval Agreement: name any one of them.

Q4) 22nd April, 1971, saw the death of Haitian dictator, François Duvalier: what was his nickname … In French … ?!

Q5) Just as a side question: Duvalier’s rural militia, the Milice de Volontaires de la Sécurité Nationale, were also called … what?

Q6) An finally … 22nd April, 1979, saw a memorial to whom unveiled at the United States National Academy of Sciences?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 21st April, 753BC — or 21st April, 754BC, depending on who you ask — is the traditional date for the foundation of which city?
A1) Rome.

Q2) More to the point, by which rather wild twins?
A2) Romulus and Remus.

Q3) Who — or what, I should say — was the adoptive mother of those twins?
A3) A she-wolf.

Q4) Moving on, 21st April, 1509, saw who ascent the throne of England?
A4) Henry 8th.

Q5) 21st April is Grounation Day: this commemorates whose visit to a very specific Caribbean island?
A5) Emperor Haile Salassie.

Q6) More to the point, which island are we talking about?
A6) Jamaica.

Q7) And finally … which religion celebrates Grounation Day?
A7) Rastafarianism. (And if you hadn’t worked THAT one out … )

Enjoy those, everyone … !

Ill be catching you late, but AGAIN, tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Q1. Margot Fonteyn (don't laugh if Im wrong!)
    Q2. Pravda
    Q3. Japan, Britian, And USA
    Q4. "Papa Doc" (potato doctor in spanish!)
    Q5. Tonton Macoutes
    Q6. Albert Einstein

    Andrea pinkylips29

    Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.
    Albert Einstein

    Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
    Albert Einstein


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