
Monday 26 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You’ve know, I’ve got to admit, I’ve got half an eye on the Liberal Democrat press conference that Nick Clegg’s doing, in Scotland, at the moment.

Looks like he’s got a few sound system problems … Oh, hang on …

It’s just cleared up …

The Power of Blogging, eh … ?

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor and FSG Drone — Andy himself — both getting 7 out of 7, and putting in some fantastic quotes. But in a reverse of the day before, yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor bagging the First-In-Clap.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 26th April, 1937, saw the German Luftwaffe attack which town, during the Spanish Civil War?

Q2) More to the point, which famous Spanish artist commemorated that attack with a famous painting: one that’s now held in the Spanish city of Madrid?

Q3) 26th April, 1986, saw what was the world’s worst nuclear accident: the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station is in what’s now which European country … ?

Q4) 26th April, 1478, saw the start of the Pazzi conspiracy, a coup attempt against Lorenzo de’ Medici: in which of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal series of novels does a fictional member of the Pazzi family appear … ?

Q5) And finally … 26th April, 1940, saw the birth of which Italian composer and producer … … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 25th April, 1859, saw Anglo-French engineers break ground in what was to become what canal?
A1) The Suez Canal.

Q2) 67 years earlier, 25th April 1792, saw French highwayman, Nicolas J. Pelletier become the first person to be executed … by what?
A2) The Guillotine. (Cue the gag’s: “Don’t lose your head”. “My head’s all OVER the place”. Ya-da, ya-da, YA-DA!!)

Q3) While we’re being French: 25th April, 1792, also saw Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle compose the French national anthem: what’s the name of the French national anthem?
A3) La Marseillaise.

Q4) 25th April, 1915, saw the start of which WW1 Campaign?
A4) The Gallipoli campaign. (Which, frankly, was Sir Winston’s worst hour … )

Q5) A sad note, here: 25th April, 2007, saw the first State Funeral of a Russian leader to be sanctioned by the Russian Orthodox Church. Who’s funeral was it?
A5) Former President, Boris Yeltsin.

Q6) 25th April, 1939, saw DC Comics publish Detective Comics #27: which character did this introduce?
A6) Batman.

Q7) And finally … 25th April, 1953, saw James D Watson and Francis Crick announce — in a magazine article for Nature — that they had discovered … what?
A7) Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Or DNA, if you want to go for the easy answer …

Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll catch you later.


  1. Well ye have this great ability to stump me! :P

  2. Q1 Guernica
    Q2 Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso
    Q3 Ukraine.
    Q4 Hannibal
    Q5 Giorgio (Hansjoerg) Moroder



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