
Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Bleugh …

You know, there’s times an early night really does seem pointless.

I’ll be honest, I actually got to bed — and asleep — by 10•30, last night.

You wouldn’t think so, this morning, though …

Yeez …

Anyway, let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor and Angela in the proverbial mix, with Angela bagging the Officially Stumped title, for the day, and Trevor scoring 5 out of 5.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 27th April, 1992, saw the first woman elected as Speaker of the House of Commons: who was she?

Q2) 27th April, 1963, saw the birth of which Welsh TV producer and writer?

Q3) 27th April, 1981, saw Xerox PARC introduce the first commercial piece of what type of computer equipment: the mouse, the windows-based graphical user interface, or ethernet?

Q4) 27th April, 1773, saw Parliament introduce the Tea Act: this granted the British East India Company a tea monopoly … where.

Q5) And finally: Back to 1992, 27th April, 1992, saw Russia — along with 12 other former Soviet republics — join 2 international financial organisations. Name either of the two organisations concerned …

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 26th April, 1937, saw the German Luftwaffe attack which town, during the Spanish Civl War?
A1) Guernica?

Q2) More to the point, which famous Spanish artist commemorated that attack with a famous painting: one that’s now held in the Spanish city of Madrid?
A2) Pablo Picasso.

Q3) 26th April, 1986, saw what was the world’s worst nuclear accident: the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station is in what’s now which European country … ?
A3) The Ukraine.

Q4) 26th April, 1478, saw the start of the Pazzi conspiracy, a coup attempt against Lorenzo de’ Medici: in which of Thomas Harris’ Hannibal series of novels does a fictional member of the Pazzi family appear … ?
A4) Hannibal.

Q5) And finally … 26th April, 1940, saw the birth of which Italian composer and producer … … ?
A5) Giorgio Moroder.

Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll catch you later … !


  1. Haha not a clue mate...

  2. Really?

    You know, I had you in mind when I did question 4 … !


  3. Q1 Betty Boothroyd
    Q2 Russell T Davies (born Stephen Russell Davies)
    Q3 Computer Mouse
    Q4 North America
    Q5 International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank

    A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. – George Bernard Shaw

    As I get older, I just prefer to knit. – Tracy Ullman

    I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.- Bertrand Russell

    Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. – Don Marquis


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