
Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Oh, well …

Signing on day, today …

And I’ve got to admit the lack of jobs out there that I can apply for is getting really depressing.

Not that it’s somewhere I’ve not been, before, but the sheer slog of job hunting, does get to you …

And not hearing back — one way or the other — from the last interview I went to, doesn’t help.


Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Oh, I’ve just had a look at a random entry on Wikipedia, by the way. Turn’s out Bez, of the Happy Mondays, is — apparently — on their list of noted maraca players. Funny what you find out, isn’t it … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser — in a repeat of the day before — saw Trevor scoring 5 out of 5, and DjAlfy being officially stumped!

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) April 28th, 1932, saw the announcement of a vaccine for humans, against which disease?

Q2) 13 years later, 28th April, 1945, saw the killer of which Italian politician?

Q3) 28th April, 1883, saw the death of Reverend John Russell: which breed of dog did he start/found/set-up?

Q4) 28th April, 1974, saw the birth of which Spanish actress, and former girlfriend of Tom Cruise?

Q5) And finally … 28th April, 1969, saw the resignation of which French politician?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers. Oh, Angela, have a look at Q4 …

Q1) 27th April, 1992, saw the first woman elected as Speaker of the House of Commons: who was she?
A1) The Right Honourable Betty Boothroyd. (And boy, was it a bad day for democracy, when she stepped down … )

Q2) 27th April, 1963, saw the birth of which Welsh TV producer and writer?
A2) Russell T. Davies. (Play fair, I’m a Dr Whofan. Something like this was going to crop up at some point … )

Q3) 27th April, 1981, saw Xerox PARC introduce the first commercial piece of what type of computer equipment: the mouse, the windows-based graphical user interface, or ethernet?
A3) The computer mouse. Or all three: in the Xerox Star Workstation.

Q4) 27th April, 1773, saw Parliament introduce the Tea Act: this granted the British East India Company a tea monopoly … where.
A4) North America. (And if Angela hasn’t headed for Boston Harbour to throw something off a cargo ship, I’ll be handing out a Funny Look … )

Q5) And finally: Back to 1992, 27th April, 1992, saw Russia — along with 12 other former Soviet republics — join 2 international financial organisations. Name either of the two organisations concerned …
A5) The International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.

Enjoy those, everyone … !

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Yellow Fever
    Q2 Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
    Q3 Fox Terrier
    Q4 Penélope Cruz Sánchez
    Q5 Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle


    Happy birthday to Sir Terence David John Pratchett (Terry Pratchett).


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