
Monday 5 July 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Fascinating little interview I just managed to catch on the BBC: mostly about how kids are affected by the drinking habits of their parents.

But I think I’ll let you read that one for yourself.

Oh, and I also know I owe the Life, Dr Who And ComBom team a ‘Thank You’ for pointing me at this


At any rate, let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Independence Day Teaser saw George — just George — managing to bagging 2 points out of 9.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 5th July, 1833, saw a Portuguese navy defeated by a British fleet … led by which British Admiral … ?

Q2) 5th july, 1991, saw branches of which bank closed, after allegations of fraud … ?

Q3) 5th July, 1937, saw the original introduction — by the Hormel Food Company — of Spam. Which two types of meat are the main ingredients of Spam … ?

Q4) More to the point, which European country produces the European version of Spam … ?

Q5) 5th July, 1954, saw the BBC show its first news bulletin: who was that first newsreader … ?

Q6) 5th July, 1980, saw the birth of which French James Bond actress … ?

Q7) And finally … 5th July, 1998, saw which country launch a mission to Mars … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 4th July, 1776, is the original US Independence Day, as it saw the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence: how many future and (then) current presidents signed that Declaration … ?
A1) 3.

Q2) Name any one of them …
A2) Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and John Hancock: who was the President of the Continental Congress who’s organised the Declaration.

Q3) Anti-war activist Ron Kovic was famously “Born on the Fourth Of July”: who director the film version of Kovic’s biography … ?
A3) Oliver Stone.

Q4) Which is the only great lake totally within the USA?
A4) Lake Michigan.

Q5) Which state of the USA is known as the ‘Sunflower State’?
A5) Kansas.

Q6) What’s the official country home of the US President?
A6) Camp David.

Q7) In which ocean is the US state of Hawaii?
A7) The Pacific.

Q8) In which US State was the first Independence Day celebration … ?
A8) Maine. (In the town of Eastport, in point of fact.)

Q9) And finally … 4th July, 1902, saw the birth of which Russian-born US gangster … ?
A9) Meyer Lansky …

Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

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