
Tuesday 6 July 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Now that’s a thing …

You know I’m something of a Terry Pratchett fan, don’t you? And that my grandmother died as a result of complications from Alzheimer’s Disease … ?

Well, I’ve just flicked through the BBC website, and found an article that tells us research has suggested a link between dementia and depression.

Which is probably something I know I’ll be keeping an eye on …


Let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser was another quiet one.

So lets see if I can tempt you with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 6th July, 1483, saw crowned as the King of England … ?

Q2) More to the point, which Royal house was that king the last member of … ?

Q3) Equally to the point, in which War of the Roses era battle was he killed … ?

Q4) Moving on … 6th July, 1947, saw which gun go into production … ?

Q5) 6th July, 1927, saw the birth of Australian borne British DJ, Alan Freeman: with which radio station did he start his British career … ?

Q6) And finally … 6th July, 1939, saw the birth of Terrence ‘Jet’ Harris: with which British band was the the bassist for … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 5th July, 1833, saw a Portuguese navy defeated by a British fleet … led by which British Admiral … ?
A1) Sir Charles Napier. (I have to admit, I had to mention this chap: the second quiz I ever ran was in a pub called The Sir Charles Napier …)

Q2) 5th july, 1991, saw branches of which bank closed, after allegations of fraud … ?
A2) The Bank of Credit and Commerce International.

Q3) 5th July, 1937, saw the original introduction — by the Hormel Food Company — of Spam. Which two types of meat are the main ingredients of Spam … ?
A3) Smoked pork and ham.

Q4) More to the point, which European country produces the European version of Spam … ?
A4) Denmark. (Which also produced Vikings. Now, before they turn up and start singing …)

Q5) 5th July, 1954, saw the BBC show its first news bulletin: who was that first newsreader … ?
A5) Richard Baker.

Q6) 5th July, 1980, saw the birth of which French James Bond actress … ?
A6) Eva Green. (Well … She’s French on her mother’s side: her father, Walter Green, is a Swedish dentist … )

Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you all later …


  1. 1. Richard of Gloucester from the House of York was crown King Richard III of England
    2. House of York
    3. the Battle of Bosworth Field
    4. AK-47
    5. Freeman started his British career as a summer relief disc jockey on 'Radio Luxembourg'. In 1961 he moved to the BBC Light Programme.
    6. The Shadows

  2. Q1 Richard III
    Q2 House of York & House of Plantagenet
    Q3 Battle of Bosworth Field (I have been there)
    Q4 Автомат Калашникова 47 commonly called AK47
    Q5 Radio Luxembourg
    Q6 The Vipers Skiffle Group then The Drifters which was later renamed as The Shadows.


  3. Aw, those first 3 Qs were right up my street. I'd have got the last 3 wrong though - not medieval enough.


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