
Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Whoah … !

I’ve got to admit, I had another late night … !

You know, blogging about movies really does take it out of you … !

But lets get moving on, shall we … ?

After all, I’ve got to pop out, later: just to get the Gazette, you understand …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor, Kaiju and AlexandraFunFit all putting in their answers: with Trevor and Kaiju scoring six out of six, and Alexandra scoring one.

Or possibly one and a half for at least spotting the married bit in Q3).

Or possibly just the one: depending on whether Kaiju monitor’s dried out yet …

Either way it also saw Trevor putting in some very topical quotes from Herbert Hoover. And Kaiju spotting a typo I’d made in Q4).

Defeated …

I’m going to have to keep an eye on that sort of thing, I really am …

At any rate, lets have today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 11th August, 1999, saw people in Europe and Asia witness the last what of the century … ?

Q2) 11th August, 1952, saw who proclaimed as the third constitutional king of Jordan … ?

Q3) 11th August, 1984, saw controversy, as British athlete, Zola Budd, was accursed of tripping who … ?

Q4) 11th august, 1929, saw the first Bud Billikan Parade and Picnic, the largest Afro-American parade in the US: in which US city is it held … ?

Q5) Actually, while we’re in the US … 11th August, 1954, saw the death of Santo Trafficante, Snr: of which city’s Mafia organisation was he the boss … ?

Q6) And finally … 11th August, 1858 saw the first ascent of which mountain in the Bernese Alps … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions, complete with the correction …

Q1) 10th august, 610 AD saw which religious figure start on what’s regarded as his major work … ?

A1) The Prophet Mohammed. (As any devout Muslim will you, though, it’s Allah, rather than Mohammed, who wrote the Qu’ran: he just wrote it down … )

Q2) What was that work … ?
A2) The Holy Qu’ran.

Q3) 10th August, 2003, saw cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko become the first person to do what in space … ?
A3) Get married. (He was on the International Space Station: his wife to be — and their Earthbound guests — were in Texas. Obviously, the service was done by video link. As for the honeymoon … )

Q4) Many years earlier, 10th August, 991, saw Bryhtnoth, Duke of Essex defeated by a force of what in the Battle of Malden … ?
A4) The Vikings

Q5) 10th August, 1939, saw the birth of actress, Kate O’Mara: which character’s sister did she play in Absolutely Fabulous
A5) Patsy’s!

Q6) And finally … 10th August, 1932, saw the death of which Hollywood star … ? (Or the original, at least … ?)

Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll catch you later …

* I’ve got to admit, though, Alexandra’s answer — “… Any of the few virgins” — got me laughing. And possibly is the root cause of the Great LA Monitor Incident …


  1. Q1 Total Solar eclipse
    Q2 Hussein bin Talal
    Q3 Mary Decker
    Q4 Chicago
    Q5 Tampa
    Q6 the Eiger


    Microsoft: "You've got questions. We've got dancing paperclips."

    When Life Gives You Questions, Google has Answers

    There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

    If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0

    I'm not anti-social; I'm just not user friendly

    Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

    I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code

    Quotes from 10 best geek quotations.

  2. Paul ur blogs r far to long it takes all day to read and i do not have to time!


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