
Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve got to confess, I’m up a bit earlier than usual.

I’ve got an early — earlyish, at any rate — appointment at the Doctors.

Nothing too worrying: I’ve got a lump in my neck that Dr Qureshi’s already diagnosed as a cyst. And should be removably through simple surgery.

Here’s hoping … !


At any rate, let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw the Dream Ticket that is both Trevor and Kaiju putting in their answers: with both scoring 5 out of 5, it also saw Trevor quoting this chap and Kaiju defining the period of fossils used in yesterday’s second question.

Cambrian, so you know!

So lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Yes, lets. Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 31st August, 1948, saw which Hollywood star arrested for possession of marijuana … ?

Q2) 31st August, 12 AD saw the birth of Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus: how is he more commonly known … ?

Q3) 31st August, 1971, saw the birth of which Irish golfer … ?

Q4) 31st August, 1973, saw the death of director, John Ford: in which of his films did John Wayne make his first — uncredited — appearance … ?

Q5) And finally … 31st August, 1969, saw the death of the only heavyweight boxing champion to finish his career, undefeated: who was he … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) August 30th, 1976, saw which carnival end in extensive rioting … ?

A1) The Notting Hill Carnival.

Q2) 30th August 1909, saw the discovery of the Burgess Shale, by Charles Doolittle Walcott: the Burgess Shale contained the world’s largest source of … what … ?
A2) Fossils.

Q3) According to the International Committee of the Red Cross — and others — is the International Day of the … what … ?

Q4) 30th August, 1993, saw the death of actor, Richard Jordan: in which 1976 film did he play Francis 7 … ?
A4) Logan’s Run.

Q5) And finally … 30th August, 1914, was the last day of which WW1 battle … ?
A5) The Battle of Tannenberg.

Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later!


  1. Q1 Robert Charles Durman Mitchum
    Q2 Gaius Caligula
    Q3 Pádraig Harrington
    Q4 Hangman's House
    Q5 Rocky Marciano (born Rocco Francis Marchegiano)


    “Anybody can direct a picture once they know the fundamentals. Directing is not a mystery, it's not an art. The main thing about directing is: photograph the people's eyes.”

    “How did I get to Hollywood? By train.”

    “I am... a mushroom; On whom the dew of heaven drops now and then.”

    “It is easier to get an actor to be a cowboy than to get a cowboy to be an actor.”

    “Revenge proves its own executioner.”

    “They are the silent griefs which cut the heart-strings.”

    “You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”

    Quotes by John Ford died August 31 1973.

  2. Looks like I posted these last night using the wrong link... I'm so confused!

    1. Robert Mitchum
    2. Caligula
    3. Pádraig Harrington
    4. Four Sons
    5. Rocky Marciano

  3. I’d blame Stan Ridgeway, Kaiju!


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