
Tuesday 31 August 2010

The Great Saint James Road Planning Application Saga. Ahem!

You know, I don’t know whether I’ve done something wise or not.

But I’ve just had an email from Dawn Taylor, a Customer Services Team Leader at Brentwood Council: to inform me — and the rest of my neighbours, I’m assuming — about the Planning and Licenses Committee meeting on the 7th of September.

Complete with details of how to object to the proposed plans Taylor Wimpey have, to turn the patch of greenery, pictured, into a block of flats.

Here’s what she said in the attached letter.

B C Fagg Interim
Head of Planning and Regulation

When telephoning or calling please ask for
Ms D Taylor, Direct Line: (01277) 312605

Your ref:

Our ref: TB(P)BRW/384/2010

27TH August 2010

11 May 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,


I write to advise you that the above-mentioned planning application is to be considered by the Council's Planning Committee at its meeting on Tuesday 7th September 2010, commencing at 7pm in the Council Chamber at these offices.

The Council has introduced a facility whereby the Applicant and other people who have made representations on a planning application may address the Committee about the planning application should they so wish.

Speeches of up to three minutes duration are allowed from one objector, one supporter, an approved amenity association or local interest group, and the Applicant (or his Agent), provided that they have given notice of their wish to speak at the meeting before 4pm on the day before the meeting.

You may therefore speak for up to 3 minutes, but no written material plans or photographs can be submitted. Questions cannot be asked by you at the meeting and you do not have the right to vote.

If you wish to address the Committee, I should be grateful if you would let the Committee Co-ordinator know by NOT LATER THAN 4pm on Monday 6th September 2010. This can be done in writing to Ms D Taylor, Planning Admin Unit, Town Hall, or by telephoning (01277) 312605.

If this advance notice is not given, then I regret that it will not normally be possible to address the Committee.

I must add that only one objector may address the Committee. The order in which people may speak is:-

1. Those making representations (e.g. one objector and one supporter).
2. Other bodies (e.g. amenity/residents associations).
3. Applicant or Agent.

Your written representations will of course be reported to the Committee in any event.

I trust that you will contact the Council if you wish to speak at the meeting.

Yours faithfully

Ms D Taylor
Customer Care Team Leader (Built Environment)

Nice and formal, isn’t it … ?

But here’s where I think I’ve been unwise.

Or possibly not.

Lets say nervous about.

Because I’ve volunteered to be the token objector on the night.

Right, now, here’s where I think I’m going to need help.

If you’re one of my neighbours, or living in the Saint James Road area, I think I need you to suggest ideas on what to emphasise on the night.

But, while I’m nervous about the idea … ?

I’m enough of a tart for the attention to look forward to using x amount of years worth experience of amateur dramatics and six years worth of presenting pub quizzes to some good use.

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