
Wednesday 1 September 2010

Hellboy: How to have a natter about Lovecraft, messiahs and Wrestling …

Which sort of sums up the whole evening’s entertainment the Movie Night Adrian, Kevin D and I were watching, tonight …

Because, literally, the post-movie and half time natter were literally all over the place.

Including covering various martial arts: Kevin D’s done Jitkyùndouº, whilst Adrian prefers Catch wrestling*.

Personally … ?

I’m a lover, not a fighter … !

All boys, together, eh … ?



At any rate, the film we were watching last night … ?

Was the 2004, Guillermo del Toro directed, supernatural action-adventure thriller, Hellboy: starring Ron Perlman as the eponymous hero.

And I think this is a films that caused a decided outbreak of … let’s call it scholarly discussion, shall we … ?

Mostly, I think, where I, Adrian and Kevin have known each other long enough to not have outright passionate rows!

Now other’s have summed up the plot of Hellboy better than I have: I think we can sum it up, though, as a steampunked mix of Blade and Ghostbusters that works well enough, and is entertaining.

But where me and the guys got talking … ?

Was whether it could be truly called — wait-for-it — Lovecraftian … !

The trouble is, though, of course, is that, whilst all three of us have seen some of the films derived from the work of the Gentleman from Rhode Island, I think I’m the only one to have read the original short stories: something I think gives me a very different view.

Whilst both Adrian and Kevin pointed out that quasi-demonic entities worshipped as gods were all over the place in Lovecraft’s work, and in Hellboy.

Yes, there were plenty of them.

But, unlike Hellboy, and more akin to the original Alien and, more recently, Outpost, Lovecraft’s work didn’t call these beings good or evil.

It called them what they were.

OTHERª than human.

Which I think is profound, but that’s just me.

In any case — phew — I think we all of us saw an entertaining two hours worth of well paced movie, with enough action, wit, and slimy bits to keep us all going.

’Til the next time!


* And both have tried to talk me into something: my usual response is something along the lines of “Blow THAT!”

º Or 截拳道, if you want me to be REALLY showy …

ª Seriously, read that bit again. You might be thinking I’m stating the obvious, there. You’re right, I am. But I personally doubt that talking to aliens with a Star Trek style Universal Translator is going to be easy: after all, we have trouble communicating out ideas to someone from a different culture. That someone is human, and shares the same needs and biology as us.

An alien species? Will have nothing in common with us that we can understand.

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