
Sunday 17 October 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Oy VEH!!!!!!

I’ve got to admit, I am feeling seriously tired, this morning.

After all, I didn’t actually manage to get to bed ’til seriously late, after last night’s movie: last enough that it’s delayed the relevant post about it … And last night’s episode of Merlin … !

I’ll get those done later …

Once I’ve finished today’s Teaser.


Just as an aside, by the way …

I’ve gor the BBC News channel on, in the background.

They’ve just had the usual review of the Sunday newspapers. And the reviewers just made the very good point that the government’s rather hard-core plans to deal with benefit cheats seem a little harder than the equivalent repercussions for MP’s


Let’s get moving on, shall we … ? Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor putting in his answers, along with a returning Tim, and a first time go for Meredith: @RockTique, if you’re following her on Twitter.

It saw Trevor and Tim both bagging either 7 out of 7 or 6 out of 7 — mostly where I could’ve phrased yesterday’s Q3 a little better — and Meredith bagging one point: along with pointing out the fact the Disneyland Park is ALSO known as the Magic Kingdom.

Lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License
Q1) 17th October, 2003, saw the completion of the world’s tallest tower block: in which Far Eastern country is that Tower … ?

Q2) 17th October, 1915, saw the birth of which US playwright … ?

Q3) More to the point, which of his screenplays appeared in 1961, and starred both his second wife and Clark Gable?

Q4) 17th October, 2000, saw a rail crash kill four people: just outside which Hertfordshire town … ?

Q5) 17th October, 1972, saw the birth of which Haitian politician … ?

Q6) And finally … 17th October, 1782, saw General Charles Cornwallis surrender to American Revolutionary forces: in which Virginia town … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th October, 1923, saw the founding of the Walt Disney Company: what was their first feature length animated film … ?

A1) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Q2) Which was the first of Disney’s theme parks … ?
A2) Disneyland: or Disneyland Park, if your want the full name.

Q3) Which Disney movie was the first to feature any sort of computer generated animation … ?
A3) Tron.

Q4) 16th October, 1996, saw what banned in the UK: handguns, shotguns, or civilian-owned sub-machine-guns?
A4) Handguns.

Q5) 16th October, 1965, saw the birth of which British DJ and journalist … ?
A5) Steve Lamacq.

Q6) And finally … 16th October, 1964, saw the People’s Republic of China, test its first … what … ?
A6) Nuclear weapon.
Or, at least, that’s the ones I had!

At any rate, enjoy those: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Taiwan
    Q2 Arthur Asher Miller
    Q3 The Misfits
    Q4 Hatfield
    Q5 Nel Ust Wyclef Jean
    Q6 Yorktown, Virginia



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