
Saturday 25 December 2010

The Daily Teaser: The Christmas Day Teaser

Oh, blimey …

This looks like it’s going to be something of a Christmas to remember.

I’ve just had word from my family that my youngest sister, Ruth, has just gone into labour.

I’m going to be an uncle.

That’s …

Well …

I think the word — from where I am — is wow.

Although that’s probably not what Ruth’s thinking …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Christmas Eve Teaser saw Trevor, Mr Strict and Kaiju all putting in their answers: with all three scoring 7 out of 7 — handy to learn the alternative meaning of Paramony — it also saw Trevor quoting Howard Hughes, Mr S showing us this site, and Kaiju guiding us to Santa.

If they — and you — are happy to, shall we see how everyone does with today’s?

Yes, lets: here’s the Christmas Day questions, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) In which book of the New testament book of the Bible is the Baby Jesus visited by the Three Magi … ?

Q2) More to the point, what are the traditional names of those three Magi … ?

Q3) The earliest reference to the birth of Jesus being on the 25th of December is in a calendar for which year: 354AD, 356AD or 356AD?

Q4) 25th December, 1818, saw the first performance of which hymn … ?

Q5) Staying with a musical theme, 25th December, 1984, saw the birth of twins, Jessica and Lisa Origliasso: they’re better known as which Australian band … ?

Q6) 25th December is celebrated as Quaid-e-Azam’s Day, in Pakistan: whose birth does this celebrate … ?

Q7) And finally … 25th December, 1989, saw the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena: which East European country had been dictator of … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Many French speaking countries celebrate Christmas eve with the réveillon meal: the name is derived from a French word meaning … what … ?
A1) Awake.

Q2) One European country’s traditional gift-giver — the Yule Goat — arrives on Christmas Eve: which country are we talking about … ?
Q2) Sweden.

Q3) The original WW1 Christmas Truce began on Christmas Eve, 1914: near which Belgian town … ?
A3) Ypres.

Q4) Christmas Eve is usually referred to as Paramony by members of the Eastern Orthodox Church: what does the word translate as … ?
A4) ‘Preparation’.

Q5) 24th December, 1968, saw the crew of the Apollo 8 mission made a televised reading: from which book of the Bible … ?
A5) Genesis.

Q6) Moving on … 24th December, 1979, saw Europe launch its first what … ?
A6) Rocket: the Ariane 1, so you know …

Q7) And finally … 24th December, 1955, saw who start its Christmas tradition of tracking Santa?
Enjoy those, everyone.

Have a happy Christmas …

1 comment:

  1. Q1The Gospel according to Matthew
    Q2Melchior, Casper, Balthazar
    Q3 354 CE
    Q4 Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht known to the English as Silent Night.
    Q5 The Veronicas
    Q6 Mohammad Ali Jinnah
    Q7 Romanian People's Republic (Romanian: Republica Populară Romînă; RPR) from 1947 to 1965, and the Socialist Republic of Romania (Republica Socialistă România; RSR) from 1965 to 1989.)


    “Errors are not in the art but in the artificers.”

    “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.”

    “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

    “Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.”

    “To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.”

    “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”

    “It is the weight, not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded.”

    Quotes by Sir Isaac Newton (English Genius) born 25 December 1642 OS (is 4th January 1643 NS)


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