
Tuesday 25 January 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Ahhhh … BLESS!

I’ve got to be honest, I think my nephew’s getting a touch on the large side! He’ll be a month old, tomorrow.

I think he’s starting to recognise strong colour, as well: I had a black tee-shirt on, last night, he was definitely staring at me arm.

Contrast, I think … !


Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I start digging up all the stuff on Jean Piaget


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Kaiju and Trevor putting in their answers: with both* scoring six out of six, Kaiju getting his answers in firstº, and Trevor quoting zoologist Desmond Morris.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s Burns Night questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 25th January, 1759, saw the birth of Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns:he’s also known ‘the Bard of ’ … where … ?

Q2) Which of his poems served as an unofficial Scots national anthem … ?

Q3) More to the point, which of Burns poems sees the title character seeing disturbing visions on the way home from the pub … ? (Disturbing visions on the way home from the pub? I was a barman for 14 years. They couldn’t have been as disturbing as some of the thing’s I saw from the bar, I know that … )

Q4) Which country — in 1956 — was the first to issue a commemorative Burns postage stamp … ?

Q5) One final Burns question: who has been named as Makar — Scots National Poet — just recently … ?

Q6) 25th January, 1994, saw the launch of the Deep Space Program Science Experiment — or DSPSE — to test various bits of scientific equipment by observing the Moon: which girl’s name give the DSPSE its nickname … ?

Q7) 25th January, 1947, saw the death of notorious gangster, Al Capone: in the last years of his life, he suffered deteriorating mental, due to complications from which disease … ?

Q8) And finally … 25th January, 2004, saw the Opportunity rover land on which planet?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th January, 1961, saw Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller divorce: what was the name of the film they were making, at the time?
A1) The Misfits.

Q2) 8 years later, 24th January, 1969, saw riots at which London university … ?
Q2) The London School of Economics.

Q3) 24th January, 1848, saw the start of the ’49 California Gold Rush, when James W Marshall found gold, in a creek near Sutter’s Mill: near which Californian city is Sutter’s Mill … ?
A3) Sacramento.

Q4) 24th January, 1924, saw the Russian city of Petrograd renamed … what … ?
A4) Leningrad.

Q5) 24th January, 1949, saw the birth of late comedian and actor, John Belushi: which character in Ghostbusters would he have played, if not for his death … ?
A5) Dr Peter Venkman, the character eventually played by Bill Murrey.

Q6) And finally … 24th January, 1958, saw the birth of pianist, bandleader, singer, composer and television presenter, Jools Holland: with which band did he first come to prominence … ?
A6) Squeeze.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’m going to find a cheap haggis, and work out how to cook it …

* Yes, I know I’ve got Sacramento as the answer to q3: BUT Kaiju’s a Californian native and knows his way around a bit better than me and Trevor. AND — going by the maps I’ve seen — Coloma’s about the same distance from Sacramento as Southend is from London, some 36 or so miles: when you’re the size of the USA, I figure that makes the actual miles a bit shorter. Relatively speaking. Ahem

º One of the standard way’s I can tell if someone’s rather speedy … ? Or, at least, up rather late … ? Is if they can get their answers in, before Trevor …


  1. Q1 Bard of Ayrshire
    Q2 Scots Wha Hae
    Q3 "Tam o' Shanter"
    Q4 Soviet Union
    Q5 Liz Lochhead
    Q6 Clementine
    Q7 neuroSyphilis


    “And there begins a lang digression about the lords o' the creation”

    “Critics! Those cut-throat bandits in the paths of fame.”

    “I pick my favourite quotations and store them in my mind as ready armour, offensive or defensive, amid the struggle of this turbulent existence.”

    “Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn!”

    “Opera is where a guy gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings.”

    “There is no such uncertainty as a sure thing.”

    “Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects.”

    Quotes by Robert Burns (Scottish Poet) born 25th January 1759.

  2. well it was easy for Kaiju to be first yesterday. I was still in bed when he put his answers in. Must set the alarm clock if I want to get up early on these dark mornings.


    ps dont lose my preceding answers.


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