You know, you’ve probably worked out that I’ve usually got either the BBC News channel, or Yesterday — which previously had been UKTV History — on in the background, at this time of the morning.
The news, today, in case your wondering …
Something that did catch my eye, whilst looking at their website … ?
Was the news that cosmetics company, Lush, has had its website seriously compromised, with quite a few credit card details being abused.
I can’t help but be vaguely grateful I don’t do that much online shopping.
And when I do … ?
I tend to use PayPal — which I’m told is fairly secure — and iTunes cards, when I’m buying music.
But for more serious transactions … ?
After all all, any baddies out there can only nick what’s on them …
Lets move on, shall we … ?
Yes, lets …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trevor and Kaiju putting in there answers: with both scoring 6 out of 6, it also saw Trevor quoting Anna Pavlova and Kaiju telling us more about both the USSR’s habits about show trials, and Senator Charles Curtis.
Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 24th January, 1961, saw Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller divorce: what was the name of the film they were making, at the time?Q2) 8 years later, 24th January, 1969, saw riots at which London university … ?Q3) 24th January, 1848, saw the start of the ’49 California Gold Rush, when James W Marshall found gold, in a creek near Sutter’s Mill: near which Californian city is Sutter’s Mill … ?Q4) 24th January, 1924, saw the Russian city of Petrograd renamed … what … ?Q5) 24th January, 1949, saw the birth of late comedian and actor, John Belushi: which character in Ghostbusters would he have played, if not for his death … ?Q6) And finally … 24th January, 1958, saw the birth of pianist, bandleader, singer, composer and television presenter, Jools Holland: with which band did he first come to prominence … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 23rd January, 1571, saw the opening of which commercial building in London: the Bank of England, the Royal Exchange, or Lloyds of London … ?A1) The Royal Exchange.Q2) 23rd January, 1849, saw who awarded an M. D, and become the United States first female doctor … ?Q2) Elizabeth Blackwell.Q3) 23rd January, 1937, saw 17 leading Communists go on trial for attempting to overthrow who … ?A3) Joseph Stalin.Q4) More to the point, who was this plot supposed to have been led by … ?A4) Leon Trotsky.Q5) 23rd January, 1907 saw Charles Curtis become the first Native American … what … ?A5) U. S. Senator.Q6) And finally … 23rd January, 1986, saw the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induct its first members: name any of them …A6) Little Richard, Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, the Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and Elvis Presley.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !
I’ll leave you with this, as it’s John Belushi’s birthday …
1. The Misfits
2. London School of Economics and Political Science
3. Coloma, California, at the bank of the South Fork American River
4. Leningrad
5. Peter Venkman
6. Squeeze
Q1 The Misfits
Q2 London School of Economics (LSE)
Q3 Sacramento
Q4 Leningrad
Q5 Peter Venkman
Q6 Squeeze
“Biologically speaking, if something bites you it's more likely to be female.”
“Clearly, then, the city is not a concrete jungle, it is a human zoo.”
“This unusual and highly successful species spends a great deal of time examining his higher motives and an equal amount of time ignoring his fundamental ones.”
“Artists like cats; soldiers like dogs.”
“I viewed my fellow man not as a fallen angel, but as a risen ape.”
Quotes by Desmond John Morris (British Zoologist & Author) born 24th January 1928.
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