You know, that looked like it was a hairy moment, there …
I’ve got to admit, our part of Brentwood had a couple of power outages, last night.
Pain in the bum, that!
The first one forced my router to reset itself.
Which was awkward, as it happened right in the middle of me writing this.
The second one, on the other hand … ?
Managed to briefly queer my combined DVD recorder/Freeview-box.
OK, granted it only needed switching off and on, again, to reset it, and get the video output working.
But that was a nice start to the day …
My only assumption is the the substation around the corner from my place — at the top of St. James Road — had some sort of spasm.
I can only hope that the investigative nose of Councillor Chilvers can dig up something …
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw saw Trevor — all on his ownsome — bagging 4 out of 5, and digging up some quotes from John Calvin Coolidge.
Lets see how he — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?
Yes, lets.
Q1) 6th January, 1907, saw which Italian educator open her first school … ?Q2) More to the point, in which Italian city … ?Q3) 6th January is the date of the feast of Epiphany: while many Western churches see it as marking the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus, many Eastern ones celebrate it as his … what … ?Q4) 6th January, 1919, saw the death of the 26th President of the USA: who was he … ?Q5) More to the point, name any of the other former presidents that — along with him — are included on the Mount Rushmore Memorial.Q6) 6th January, 1983, saw Danish trawler captain, Kent Kirk, illegally enter which country’s waters … ?Q7) And finally … 5th January, 1993, saw the death of which Jazzman … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th January, 1589, saw the death of which member of the De’ Medici family … ?A1) Catherine de’ Medici.Q2) More to the point, where had she been queen of, after her marriage … ?Q2) France.Q3) 5th January, 1985, saw Israel finish Operation Moses, its mission to rescue Jews in Ethiopia: what name did Ethiopian Jews give themselves … ?A3) Beta Israel. (Seemingly, Falasha and Falasha Mura are derogatory.)Q4) 5th January, 2005, saw the discovery of the Solar system’s largest dwarf planet: what name was it given … ?A4) Eris: or 136199 Eris, if you want to be formal …Q5) And finally … 5th January, 1915, saw the birth of American actor, George Reeves: what was his best know TV rôle … ?A5) Superman.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !
* Let me know what you think of the soundtrack …
Q1 Maria Montessori
Q2 Rome
Q3 Theophany (Babtism)
Q4 Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (see quotes)
Q5 George Washington, Thomas Jefferson & Abraham Lincoln
Q6 UK Coastal waters
Q7 John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie
“The government is us; we are the government, you and I.”
“The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency.”
“The only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything.”
“With self-discipline most anything is possible.”
“Get action. Seize the moment. Man was never intended to become an oyster.”
“Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.”
“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”
Quotes by Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (26th President of the US) died 6th January 1919.
1. Maria Montessori
2. Rome, Casa de Bambini [My nephew was educated at a Montessori school...]
3. In the Eastern Church (Orthodox) January 6th was established as the date to observe the birth of Christ.
4. Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt
5. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln
6. British
7. John B "Dizzy" Gillespe
Mr S, what can I tell you … ?
Kaiju … how did he do … ?
And hang on, Trevor, Babtism … ? He he was a Bahá'í … ?
Did someone call for my nose????
Yes, I had a couple of outages here too and so did a lot of other people who were tweeting about it. The editor of the Gazette picked up the news, so they may know! I think the worst outage was an hour in the town centre, affecting Crown Street, Regency Court and High Street.
I am fairly relaxed about power cuts - they used to go on for days when I lived in Stondon Massey from 1999-2002! We were way down the list of priorities due to low population so, one advantage in living in a highly populated area is that you will be a priority!
Please do spare a thought though for the poor lady who was in the shower in Fitness First when the lights went out......
Ouch … !!
But as an additional point …
If they’re going to put in an article, I may have an excuse to send ’em a letter: why the heck they don’t just hire me, I’ll never know … !
The Montessori schools are wonderful. I recommend them highly for the primary schooling. The kids he knew from the school are all still friends, even now that they are in colleges across the country. A few are in the entertainment industry, including one a star on a Nickelodeon kids' show, and one starring on a Tyler Perry sitcom. Not bad. The kids are very self-confident, articulate, and disciplined. They had an excellent foundation.
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