Ye gods, I am tired …
Tired ebough to have originally spelt ‘tired’ as ‘tured’, there … !
Late night, last night: and one that saw me, Movie Night Adrian and Kevin D not watching a film.
Mostly nattering, so you know … !
And I’m also tired enough to have put the BBC news channel on, on automatically.
Sadly, it seems actress Susannah York has died at the age of 72.
And the channel’s just done an interview with a Gulf War Veteran: who’s made the very good point that, 20 years from now, we’re still going to have the same sort of problems with aftercare that we are now …
Cie la vie …
Lets get moving on …
Yesterday’s Teaser saw a suitable welcomed* back Trevor putting in his answers: along with getting 5 out of 5, he also quoted Hugh Trevor-Roper. Let’s see how he — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 16th January, saw the US Federal Government introduce Prohibition into law: due to start in 1920, which Amendment to the US Constitution put Prohibition into effect … ?Q2) More to the point, in which year was this amendment repealed … ?Q3) 16th January, 1986, saw the first meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force: how many times a year does the IETF met, two, three or four … ?Q4) 16th January, 2001, saw the shooting of President Laurent Kabila: which African country was he president of … ?Q5) 16th January, 1979, saw the birth of the late singer, Aaliyah: what was the name of her début album?Q6) And finally … 16th January, 1938, saw whose Orchestra play the first Jazz concert at Carnegie Hall … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th January, 1559, saw the coronation of Elizabeth 1st: but in which London church?A1) Westminster Abbey.Q2) 15th January, 1889, saw the incorporation of the Coca-Cola Company: how was it then known … ?Q2) Pemberton Medicine Company.Q3) 15th January, 2001, saw which website formally go online … ?A3) Wikipedia.Q4) More to the point, the first four letters of that website’s name is the Hawaiian word meaning … what … ?A4) Fast.Q5) 15th January, 1965, saw the birth of actor, James Nesbitt: for which TV series did he win a British Comedy ‘Best Actor’ Award, in 1999?A5) Cold Feet.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
* One thousand virgins did the dance of the One Thousand Welcoming Virgins, assorted comets stopped in their courses for ten minutes to say “Hello Trevor” and the People’s Republic of China have named yesterday’s Teaser as the only viable alternative to this year’s Master’s final. Sorry, did I say tired … ?
1 comment:
Q1 18th amendment to the Constitution
Q2 December 5th 1933
Q3 it varies often 3 times a year – 2 in US & 1 in Europe or Asia.
Q4 The Democratic Republic of the Congo
Q5 Age Ain't Nothing but a Number
Q6 Benny Goodman Orchestra
“Christmas carols always brought tears to my eyes. I also cry at weddings. I should have cried at a couple of my own.”
“I take a breath when I have to.”
“Who's happy these days?”
“I have been ambitious to be a somebody from the time I was 5 years old.”
“I'll admit - I was honored to be on the cover of Time.”
“Broadway has been very good to me. But then, I've been very good to Broadway.”
“Any audience that gets a laugh out of me gets it while I'm facing them.”
Quotes by Ethel Merman (US Actress & Singer) born January 16th 1908.
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