
Wednesday 16 February 2011

The Daily Teaser


I’m having one of those mornings … !

Or, at least, I was having one of those mornings, yesterday morning … !

And it’s one I think I owe Kaiju a vote of thanks for, and Debbi an explanation for.

You see, I managed to leave the answers in, initially, for yesterday’s Teaser.

And didn’t realise it, until a certain LA resident manage to point it out …


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

And see if I can post everything up, without pointing a large caliber machine-gun at me foot …


As I said, yesterday’s Teaser saw Kaiju scoring nothing, and Debbi scoring 5 out of 5: along with a big vote of Thanks, Kaiju gets the OFFICIAL Clap* for pointing out my mistake. (Oh, and Debbi gets one too, for having a go with British slang: actually, Debbi, if you’re familiar with Jamaican English, Smiley Culture offers a handy guide to Cockney. Of course, if you don’t but speak any version of London English …)

Lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 16th February, 2006, saw the last what decommissioned by the US Army … ?

Q2) 16th February, 1985, saw the founding of which militant group … ?

Q3) 16th February, 1923, saw whose tomb in Egypt, opened … ?

Q4) More to the point, by an expedition led by whom … ?

Q5) 16th February, 1927, saw the birth of which EastEnders actress … ?

Q6) And finally … 16th February, 1937, saw Wallace Carothers receive the patent for Nylon: which two cities is Nylon named after … ?
And here — once again — is yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th February, 2005, saw the first full day of operation of YouTube: what was the name of the first video hosted on it … ?
A1) Me at the Zoo

Q2) A referendum on 15th February, 1976, saw Cuba officially adopt what … ?
Q2) Its constitution.

Q3) 15th February, 1989, saw Soviet troops pull out of which country … ?
A3) Afghanistan.

Q4) 15th February, 1972, saw sound recordings in the US offered what for the first time … ?
A4) Federal copyright protection.

Q5) And finally … 15th February, 1996, saw the official UK report into what published … ?
A5) The Arms to Iraq scandal.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* Kaiju ask Trevor … and @pinkylips29 … And Tim, over on FB …


  1. 1. The last Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) is decommissioned by the United States Army.
    2. Hezbollah
    3. King Tutankhamun's (King Tut) tomb, in Thebes
    4. Howard Carter
    5. June Muriel Brown, MBE
    6. Well... ACcording to Du Pont. Its naming committee considered 400 names, one of them Duparooh (short for Du Pont Pulls A Rabbit Out Of Hat). Another was No Run. A good name, except the fabric did run. The committee tinkered with No Run until it became Nylon. Folklore: Nylon was named from a conflation of NY and London (LON).


  2. 1. Mobile Army Surgical Hospital or MASH
    2. Hezbollah
    3. King Tut
    4. Howard Carter
    5. June Muriel Brown
    6. According to urban legend, New York and London, however, see explanation here:


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