
Saturday 26 February 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Now that’s a real weirdie …

I’ve got to admit it.

Definitely strange.

I actually had a dream, last night: usually I never remember them.

But this one … ?

Or snippet of one, I should say … ?

Had me running around the house, as I’d been assigned to a ship.

Here’s the weird bit: one that doesn’t actually exist.
Seems I’d been made a member of Iain M. Banks’ Culture, and been assigned to the GSV Serious Gravitas Shortfall.

And was running around the house getting a few last bits together.

The even stranger bit … ?

Was that isn’t even the name of the ship in question, it’s actually the GSV Experiencing A Significant Gravitas Shortfall.

Yeah, like I say …

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yeah …


Yes, move on …

Yesterday’s Teaser was a bit of a quiet one: bless him, Kaiju had some last minute learning to do for a presentation he has to give, tonight.

However, it did see Debbi putting in her answers: and managing to bag six out of six.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 26th February, 2000, saw a gagging order issued against which British spy … ?

Q2) The Daventry Experiment — carried out by Robert Watson-Watt on 26th February, 1935 — which lead to the UK development of what: television, RADAR or the pocket calculator … ?

Q3) 26th February, 2004, saw the USA lift a travel ban to which North African country … ?

Q4) 26th February, 1826 saw the birth of the man who famously designed the world’s first Jeans: what was his name … ?

Q5) More to the point, in which US city was that designer’s company based … ?

Q6) And finally … 26th February, 1914, saw the launch of one of the RMS Titanic’s sister ships: what was its name … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th February, 1971, saw the first part of the Pickering Nuclear Generating station go into operation: this was which country’s first nuclear generator … ?
A1) Canada’s …

Q2) 25th February, 1964, saw Muhammed Ali — Cassius Clay, as he was, then — beat Sonny Liston to become Heavyweight Champion of the World: what did Ali say he’d famously float like … ?
Q2) “… A butterfly”.

Q3) More to the point, how old was Ali, when he did this … ?
A3) 22.

Q4) 25th February, 1921, saw the city of Tbilisi occupied by Bolshevik Russia: which country is Tbilisi the capital of … ?
A4) Georgia.

Q5) 25th February, 1928, saw the Charles Jenkins Laboratories become the first group or person to hold a US Federal … what … ?
A5) Television license.

Q6) And finally … 25th February, 1901, saw the birth of the youngest member of the Marx Brothers: who was he … ?
A6) Herbert Manfred “Zeppo” Marx.
Enjoy those those, everyone.

I’ll catch you later.

1 comment:

  1. 1. David Shayler. However, according to this source, the UK government moved to impose a gag order on that date:

    So, assuming it was issued the same day, I guess that's the answer. Maybe. :)

    2. RADAR

    3. Libya

    4. Levi Strauss. However, see this source and compare the year:

    Hmm ... is one of these numerals upside-down? :)

    5. San Francisco (that awesome city by the bay, which they still call home)

    6. HMHS Britannic


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