
Saturday 5 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Phew …

I’ve got to admit, I am really knackered, after something of a day out … !

Says I, having a quick sip of tea.

But quite a good one: after all, I got taken out for lunch, and to a movie … !

Oh …

And got to have a kickabout.

The Empire cinema in Basildon … ?

Has a …

Well, I don’t know what it’s actually called: but it had a interactive thingie in the foyer: a combined projector and motion sensor, hooked up to a computer, somewhere, that let you kick bit’s of coloured light — vaguely resembling footballs — about.

Rather fun … !

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I get too distracted … !


Yes … !

Yesterday’s Teaser was relatively quiet. It saw Debbi, bless ’er, putting in her answers and bagging 7 out of 7. AND managing to catch the badly phrased 5th and 6th question.

Cheers, Debbi! For that and the birthday wishes … !

And lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 6th March, 1946, saw the birth of singer/actor, Murrey Head: which Buffy: The Vampire Slayer star is his younger brother … ?

Q2) 6th March, 1904, saw Nikolai Tesla describe Ball Lightning for the first time: the measurement named after him measures what: magnetic flux density, electro-magnetic force, or static-electrical charge per square inch of hair … ?

Q3) More to the point, who played Tesla in the film, The Prestige … ?

Q4) 5th March is Saint Piran’s Day: Saint Piran is the patron saint of which English county … ?

Q5) 5th March, 1973, saw Donald DeFreeze escape from Vacaville Prison: which notorious group did he lead … ?

Q6) And finally … 5th March, 1956, saw the US Supreme Court ban what in US Schools?
And here’s the mess I made of yesterday’s questions …
Q1) 4th March, 1861, saw who inaugurated as US President … ?
A1) Abraham Lincoln.

Q2) 4th March, 1702, saw the birth of which notorious burglar, thief and robber … ?
Q2) Jack Shepard.

Q3) More to the point, he was better known as either Gentleman Jack … or what … ?
A3) Jack the Lad.

Q4) 4th March, 1918, saw the first recorded instance of which epidemic breaking out … ?
A4) Spanish ’Flu.

Q5) 4th March, 1681, saw Charles 2nd grant a Royal Charter to the founder of which US State … ?
A5) William Penn.

Q6) More to the point, what was the name of the state … ?
A6) Pennsylvania.

Q7) And finally … 4th March, 1882, saw Britain’s first electric trams go into service: was this in East London, West Manchester or Northern Merseyside … ?
A7) East London.
Enjoy those: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Anthony Head
    2. magnetic flux density, according to
    3. David Bowie
    4. Cornwall
    5. Symbionese Liberation Army
    6. racial segregation


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