
Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Bleugh … !

Remember, yesterday, that I said I hated getting up late … ?

Well …

I actually got woken up by my alarm clock, today.

And feel bloomin’ horrible.

On top of that … ?

I’ve just uploaded the video for today’s teaser: and found out that the soundtrack’s been disabled by the copyright holders!

First time that’s happened: the last time something like that happen, the owners inserted a link that let folk watching it buy the song!

It was Ry Cooder’s version of Robert Johnson’s Crossroads Blues, so you know: it is his birthday, after all.

Here …

Great version, I think.

Mind you, can I be honest … ? When I heard the Johnson original of both it, and Sweet Home Chicago … ?

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I’ve got a ponytail. It’s quite an effect …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s* Teaser saw Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers: and also saw both scoring 5 out of 5.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 15th March, 1917, saw the abdication of Tsar Nicholas 2nd, as Tsar of All the Russias: who did he abdicate in favour of … ?

Q2) 15th March, 1990, saw Observer journalist Farzad Bazoft executed for spying: in which country?

Q3) 15th March, 1820, saw which state become the 23rd state of the USA … ?

Q4) 15th March, 1672, saw Charles 2nd issue the Royal Declaration of Indulgence. Charles 2nd intended to promote what: religious tolerance for protestant non-conformists, religious tolerance for Roman Catholics, or religious tolerance for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster … ?

Q5) And finally … 15th March, 1974, saw which architect jailed on corruption charges … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) According to Larry Shaw of the San Francisco Exploratorium, 14th March is what … ?
A1) Pi Day: or 3/14 in US date format. (It can also be celebrated on 22nd July, as Pi Approximation Day, as the fraction 22⁄7 is a closer approximation than 3.14. One can also celebrate Pi Minutes and seconds, but that’s getting a bit too sad, isn’t it … ?)

Q2) 14th March, 1794, saw Eli Whitney patent which industrial device … ?
Q2) The cotton gin, used to separate cotton fibre from cotton seed.

Q3) 14th March, 1978, saw the Israeli Defense Force occupy the southern parts of which country … ?
A3) Lebanon.

Q4) In Ancient Rome, 14th March was the Second Equirria, a holy day in celebration of which Roman God … ?
A4) Mars.

Q5) And finally … 14th March, 1941, saw the birth of film director, Wolfgang Petersen: which of his World War 2 movies received two Oscar nominations … ?
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* And, yes, Debbi, the day before’s 2nd question was, wasn’t it … ? That — and asking how many languages are native to the British Isles — tends to get howls of protests, in a live pub quiz … !

1 comment:

  1. 1. his brother, Michael or Mikhail Alexandrovich - There! How's that? :)
    2. Iraq
    3. Maine
    4. religious tolerance for Protestant non-conformists
    5. John Poulson


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