
Sunday 20 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Now there’s a weird old thing …

Bless ’em, Yesterday’s Simon Schama’s showing History of Britain, again. And given a heck of a lot of time to Sir Robert Walpole. The man who’s generally recognised as Britain’s first Prime Minister.

Although, technically … ?

Technically, Walpole’s actual title was First Lord Of The Treasury: a title since held by every PM the UK’s ever had, and whose official residence is No. 10 Downing Street. (Technically, the official PM’s residence is Checquers: what happens is, for once, the two posts aren’t associated, I’m blowed if I know … !)


Oh, and just as a bit of an extra … ? Seemingly, last night was the closest the Moon’s been to Earth for some time.

Which I know the picture I took with my phone doesn’t exactly show, but I wanted an excuse to put up …

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict, Debbi and Adrence (welcome aboard) all putting in their answers. With Mr S and Debbi bagging 5 out of 5, and Adrence scoring 1, it also saw me realising Mr S is officially the most southerly of my regular commentors: I think if you were to head directly south from his part of South Africa, the next bit of land you’d hit would be the Antarctic! Which means I’m now officially widely read … !

At any rate, lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 20th March, 1987, saw the US Federal Food Drug Administration approve which anti-AIDS drug … ?

Q2) 20th March, 1995, saw a domestic terrorist attack on the Tokyo subway system: by which religious group?

Q3) 20th March is Nowruz, or New’s Day in Iranian and Kurdish calendars: it’s also New Year’s Day in which Middle Eastern religion … ?

Q4) 20th March is also World Storytelling Day: in which country did World Storytelling Day originate … ? (This year’s theme is water, by the way: keep your eyes open for ‘#WSD11’ hashtag.)

Q5) And finally … 20th March, 1957, saw the birth of which American movie director … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 19th March, 1920, saw the US Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles: was this for the first, second or third time … ?
A1) Second.

Q2) 19th March, 1987, saw Jam Bakker resign one of his post over an ongoing sex-scandal: the man he handed the post to, Jerry Falwell, once famously accused Tinky Winky the Teletubby of being what … ?
Q2) Gay. (Obviously, Falwell must have missed some of the allegations about Bert and Ernie …)

Q3) 19th March, 1976, saw Buckingham Palace announce the divorce of whom … ?
A3) Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon.

Q4) 19th March, 1992, saw Buckingham Palace announce the divorce of whom … ?
A4) Prince Andrew and Sarah, Duchess of York, née Ferguson.

Q5) And finally … 19th March, 2002, saw which African nation suspended from the Commonwealth, for electoral fraud and human rights abuses … ?
A5) Zimbabwe.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !


  1. 1. zidovudine or azidothymidine (AZT)
    2. Aum Shinrikyo (aka Aleph)
    3. Zoroastrianism
    4. Sweden
    5. Spike Lee

    I can't believe I didn't know until now that March 20 was World Storytelling Day! Doh! :)

  2. Q1: "DON'T-TELL-MOM"
    Q2: "I-AM-GOD"
    Q3: LIBYA
    Q5: ME


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