
Monday 28 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I think — THINK — the switch to BST has caught up with me: that … and I forgot to put my alarm on, again …

I hate that, when it happens … !

If nothing else …

Well, if nothing else, I now Jude had a smile on his face, yesterday … !


Hmmm …

I’ll have to see if that’s on the BBC’s news site, later: the Beeb’s news channel has just run a piece on the formal opening, today, on the UK Space Agency.

I’m gonna keep me fingers crossed that that takes off: because, according to Lord Drayson, one of the men who announced it, they’ll “need a compelling business case” for each mission …


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers. Along with scoring 6 out of 6, she also managed to let everyone know how she figured out yesterday’s Q2.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 28th March, 1959, saw the State Council of the People's Republic of China dissolve which country’s government … ?

Q2) 28th March, 1921, saw the birth of actor, Dirk Bogarde: in which series of comedies did he play Dr Simon Sparrow … ?

Q3) 28th March, 1965, saw Dr Martin Luther King leading 25000 protestors to the state capital of Alabama: what’s the name of that capital … ?

Q4) 28th March, 1987, saw the death of Patrick Troughton: in which 1976 film did he play Father Brennan … ?

Q5) And finally … that same day — 28th March, 2987 — saw the death of which former singing nun … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th March, 2000, saw the death of singer/songwriter, band leader and actor, Ian Dury: what was the name of his first UK No. 1, with The Blockheads … ?
A1) Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick.

Q2) 27th March saw Russian citizens vote in the first multi-party Soviet Elections: in which year of the 1980s … ?
Q2) 1989.

Q3) 27th March, 1958, saw Nikita Khrushchev names as Premier — or Chairman of the Council of Ministers, if you’re being picky — of the USSR: which other title did he hold … ?
A3) First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза, Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza, in Russian.

Q4) 27th March, 1309, saw Pope Clement 5th excommunicate which Italian city-state … ?
A4) Venice. (I’m can’t find a reference as to why he did this, but I know the Papacy moved to Avignon, around this time: it MAY be because the Venetians were fiddling the Church travel expenses … )

Q5) 27th March, 1998, saw the US Food and Drug Administration approve the use of which drug … ?
A5) Viagra: originally design as a way of improving blood circulation, it was only a few weeks later that one of its side effects became better known …

Q6) And finally … 27th March, 1935, saw the birth of English actor, Julian Glover: in which Bond film did he play Aristotle Kristatos … ?
A6) For Your Eyes Only.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you all, later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Tibet
    2. the "Doctor" Comedy Series
    3. Montgomery
    4. The Omen
    5. Maria von Trapp


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