
Sunday 3 April 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Now, I]ve got to admit, it’s weird, what happen’s in my head, sometimes.

Ever get a song bouncing around, inside yours … ?

I do.

Strange as that might sound.

And this morning, I’ve got to admit, I’ve had Nellie Furtado’s Turn Off The Light happily bouncing around my skull.

Thank heavens for things like YouTube, is all I CAN say. At least it means I can get something like that, out of my system.

The strange thing is, I was going to tell you why I’ve used I Don’t Like Mondays as a backing tune for today’s Teaser video.

Actually, that’s not too hard …

Today’s the birthday of Brenda Spencer, the woman who’s shooting of her school-friends — and notorious “It’s something to do. I don’t like Mondays” comment — provided the inspiration for the song.

One thing that’s got me … ? The USA is a famously civilised country, as I’m sure Debbi and Kaiju will tell me.

But Brenda Spencer, though … ?

She was 16 at the time of the shootings: and just a month before … ?

Had been given a gun for Xmas …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I get sarcastic, and annoy people …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers: with both scoring 6 out of 6, it also saw Mr S offering us this potted biography of Pope Pius 9th, and Debbi confessing she’s a bit of a fan of John Le Carré*.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s Teaser, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 3rd April, 1996, saw the arrest of Theodore Kaczynski, the man suspected of being … whom … ?

Q2) 3rd April, 1971, saw the birth of which American skier … ?

Q3) 3rd April, 1922, saw who named as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union … ?

Q4) 3rd April, 1987, saw whose jewelry sold at auction for just over £31000000 … ?

Q5) And finally … 3rd April, 1948, saw President Harry S. Truman sign the Marshall Plan into US law: name any of the 16 countries, 1 city state or 1 Grand Duchy given aid, under the Marshall Plan.
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd April, 1513, saw the first European to step on the shore of Florida: what was his name … ?
A1) Juan Ponce de León: or Juan Ponce de León y Figuero, if you’d prefer it in full …

Q2) 2nd April, 1984, saw who become the first Indian in space … ?
Q2) Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma.

Q3) More to the point, which country’s ship was he on … ?
A3) The Soviet Union’s.

Q4) 2nd April, 1914, saw the birth of actor, Sir Alec Guinness: in which 1979 TV series did he play George Smiley … ?
A4) Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.

Q5) 2nd April, 2005, saw the death of Pope John Paul 2nd, who was the pope with the second longest reign in Vatican history: who held Saint Peter’s throne for the longest … ?
A5) Pope Pius 9th, at just shy of 32 years.

Q6) And finally … 2nd April, 1989, saw Mikhail Gorbachev arrive in which country’s capital city, ahead of a meeting with its leader … ?
A6) Cuba.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* I’ve got to admit, that’s you, me, and Julian May, Debbi … ! And I’ve just finished The Spy Who Came in From The Cold, a little while back …

1 comment:

  1. 1. the Unabomber
    2. Picabo Street
    3. Joseph Stalin
    4. the Duchess of York (completely wild guess :))
    5. pick one? okay ... Ireland (why not? :))


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