
Monday 4 April 2011

The Daily Teaser …

It’s Official, I’ve decided.

I really don’t like Monday’s. Remind me to do a Teaser about Garfield the Cat, one day … !

But one thing I do know … ?

Is that Dame Kelly Holmes is currently on the BBC News Channel, talking about tickets for the 2012 Olympics: the site/line/what-have-you closes on the 26th April.

And the other … ?

Is that Jude, my nephew, is now weighing in at 15lbs 5’.

I think I might have to have a word with Ruth about signing him up as a rugby player …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answer: and bagging a score of 4 out of 5.

Fergie wasn’t exactly who I had in mind, Debbi … !

So let’s see how she — and you — manage with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) April 4th, 1993, saw the death of architect, Alfred Mosher Butts: which board-game is he credited with inventing … ?

Q2) 4th April, 1984, saw protestors evicted from which Berkshire Common … ?

Q3) More to the point, what were those protestor protestors protesting against … ?

Q4) 4th April, 1973 saw the dedication of which New York landmark … ?

Q5) 4th April, 1968, saw the death of Dr Martin Luther King: on this last day of his life, he gave a famous speech against what … ?

Q6) And finally … 4th April, 1984, saw President Ronald Reagan call for a ban on what … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd April, 1996, saw the arrest of Theodore Kaczynski, the man suspected of being … whom … ?
A1) The Unabomber killer.

Q2) 3rd April, 1971, saw the birth of which American skier … ?
Q2) Picabo Street: am I the only person who thinks she sounds vaguely like a red-light district … ?

Q3) 3rd April, 1922, saw who named as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union … ?
A3) Joseph Stalin.

Q4) 3rd April, 1987, saw whose jewelry sold at auction for just over £31000000 … ?
A4) The Duchess Of Windsor: otherwise known as Wallace Simpson.

Q5) And finally … 3rd April, 1948, saw President Harry S. Truman sign the Marshall Plan into US law: name any of the 16 countries, 1 city state or 1 Grand Duchy given aid, under the Marshall Plan.
A5) Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy and Trieste, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

* Oh, let me know what you think of the video, everyone: I’ve added an intro: frankly … ? I’m still not convinced …


  1. As an American, I take no responsibility for nor have an explanation for the aforementioned Brenda Spenser other than she is clearly a narcissistic sociopath. Moving along... :-D

    1. Scrabble
    2. Greenham Common
    3. Cruise missiles in England
    4. New York's World Trade Center
    5. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. says in a speech that the United States stop all bombing of North and South Vietnam and declare a unilateral truce in the hope that it would lead to peace talks.
    6. Chemical Weapons Ban

  2. BTW, Paul... Here's material for a Teaser you missed! (Of course, maybe you did it in a previous year...)

    ~ 1964 U.S.A. The Beatles ~

    4th April 1964 : The Beatles hold an unprecedented record of twelve positions on Billboard Hot 100 singles chart,
    The songs were
    "Can't Buy Me Love"
    "Twist and Shout"
    "She Loves You"
    "I Want to Hold Your Hand"
    "Please Please Me"
    "I Saw Her Standing There"
    "You Can't Do That"
    "All My Loving"
    "Roll Over Beethoven"
    "From Me To You"
    "Do You Want To Know A Secret"
    "Thank You Girl" .

  3. Blimey, yeah, I thing I have missed that … You know I might just have to add that to me spreadsheet …

  4. First of all, blimey! :) I meant to say Windsor, not York. Ack! Yeah, I'm an American idiot. lol Anyhow ...

    1. Scrabble
    2. Greenhouse Common
    3. plans to store Cruise missiles there
    4. The World Trade Center, aka, the Twin Towers
    5. U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war
    6. chemical weapons


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