
Sunday 10 April 2011

The Daily Teaser.

You know I’ve got to admit, just every-so-often, it’s nice to get your photo taken, isn’t it … ?

But I don’t know about you, I always get tempted to pull faces, I really do.

Bad habit, Councillor, I know, but there we go … !

At any rate, on top of getting my photo snapped … ?

I know another friend’s also had some good news: Debbi’s crawling even further up the UK Kindle charts! Identity Crisis has hit #100 … And Least Wanted raced a touch further up, and bagged #95.

Hmmm …

Now I know the #Teaser Gang on Twitter — me, Adrence (@adrence), Kaiju (@kaijuisme)*, Mr Strict (@derestrict)*, Meredith (@RockTique), Suzie (@EuthYmios73) and Debbi, herself (@debbimack) — have been having something of a virtual party about that.

But if Debbi does the double, and pulls off a 1-2 at some point … ?

Hopefully, we might crash Twitter with the virtual celebrations!

Lets get moving on, shall we … ? Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answer: and, along with the news about her chart positions, she also managed to bag 6 out of 6. Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 10th April, 1953, saw Warner Brothers become the first major Hollywood studio to debut a 3-D movie: what was the name of that film … ?

Q2) More to the point, which noted American actor played the main character in that film … ?

Q3) 10th April, 837, saw what reach its closest point to Earth … ?

Q4) 10th April, 1991, saw a rare tropical storm develop in the South Atlantic ocean: rare, in part, because it was the first such storm to be documented … by what?

Q5) And finally … 10th April, 1919, saw the death of which Mexican revolutionary … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th April, 2003, saw whose statue famously toppled … ?
A1) Saddam Hussein’s …

Q2) 9th April, 1511, saw The College of St John the Evangelist — originally founded by Lady Margaret Beaufort — receive its Charter: but is it in Cambridge, Oxford or Bristol … ?
Q2) Cambridge.

Q3) 9th April, 1682, saw Robert Cavelier de La Salle discover the mouth of which river … ?
A3) The Mississippi.

Q4) More to the point, what did he call the region — and French territory — surrounding it … ?
A4) Louisiana.

Q5) During World War 2, 9th April, 1940 saw Germany invade two countries: name either …
A5) Denmark and Norway.

Q6) And finally … 9th April, 1975, saw the birth of footballer, Robbie Fowler: with which English team did he start his career … ?
A6) Liverpool F.C.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to chase up Brentwood Library …

* Who are also #teaser regulars: and, along with Debbi, and the much missed Trevorª, over on Facebook, serious heavyweights.

ª Trevor, bless him him, doesn’t tweet: but did put in an appearance or two at the put quizzes I ran at The Hutton, back in the day. And all on his own … ? Was a serious contender …


  1. This photo will never fail to make me laugh!

  2. First off, that photo is priceless! :) Okay ...

    1. House of Wax
    2. Vincent Price
    3. Halley's Comet
    4. geostationary satellite
    5. Emiliano Zapata

    And, if my books ever made it to the 1 and 2 spot ... well, that would be quite a bit of a mind blowing thing, to say the least.

    I'm finishing up a third novel, BTW. :) Hope to publish it in time for the holidays. Sooner, if I'm lucky.


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