
Tuesday 26 April 2011

The Daily Teaser …

There we go …

I make no apologies for putting up a couple of shots of me nephew, Jude, having a snooze.

He’s definitely getting fond of that stuffed lamb, I know that.

Hmmm …

I’m also thinking he’s getting — in some ways — like his Aunty Anna: she had a toy womble she was equally as fond of. And I don’t think she let go of, ’til she was about twelve …

Ahem … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets: before I start speculating about a picture a certain Mr Moffat’s just posted to Twitpic


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with bagging 7 out of 7, she was also speculating about the length of Matt Smith’s contract*.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 26th April, 1925, saw who become the first directly elected head of Weimar Germany … ?

Q2) 26th April, 1962, saw NASA’s first probe crash-land on the Moon: what was the name of the rocket … ?

Q3) 26th April, 1964, saw two African nations merge, to form Tanzania: name either of the countries …

Q4) 26th April, saw Robert Steinhäuser shoot and kill 16 people in his old school gym: what Terry Pratchett title is a slang Term for this sort of killing … ?

Q5) And finally … 26th April, 121AD, saw the birth of which Roman Emperor … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th April, 1953, saw Francis Crick and James Watson publish their famous paper on DNA, the first paper to describe the molecule’s shape: what exactly is that shape … ?

Q2) 25th April, 1939, saw DC Comics publish its first Batman edition: what does ‘DC’ stand for … ?
Q2) Detective Comics.

Q3) More to the point, who was DC’s first successful costumed hero … ?
A3) The big blue boy scout, himself, Superman.

Q4) Equally to the point, in which year did DC first publish adventures featuring Wonder Woman … ?
A4) 1941.

Q5) 25th April, 1916, was the first observation of ANZAC Day: which small New Zealand village was the first community to hold an ANZAC Day service … ?
A5) Tinui.

Q6) 25th April, 1983, saw Samantha Smith, a Maine school-girl, receive a letter from whom … ?
A6) Soviet leader, Yuri Andropov.

Q7) And finally … 25th April, 1974, saw a bloodless coup in which European country … ?
A7) Portugal.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later, after I’ve left you with this scene from Saturday’s episode …

* My usual sense of humour’s seems to be working: I’m very tempted to say something along the lines of “For shame, Debbi! You’re a happily married woman … !” But on a more serious note … ? As far as I know, he’s contracted for three years, with options to extend that up to another two, if needed. As for dying at the start of series 6 … ? “Time can be rewritten …”


  1. Well, I only meant that 200 years would seem to require him to do a lot episodes. Nothing, um ... more than that. I'll stop, before I completely swallow my foot. :)

    1. Paul von Hindenburg
    2. Ranger IV
    3. Tanganyika and Zanzibar
    4. Going Postal
    5. Marcus Aurelius

  2. Well, yes, I know, I was heading for irony …

    Umm …


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