
Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm … That’s a point.

I’ve got to admit, I had something of a late night, last night.

Bless ’em, I was over Kevin and Sarah D’s, watching The Dark Knight.

And I’ve got to admit, it does look rather good on Kevin’s Hi-def TV set.

At any rate … ?

I managed to find out — once I got home — that Kevin, and a few other friends of mine, are possibly facing problems.

They own Playstation 3s, and are members of the Playstation 3 online service, the Playstation Network. Which has been suspended, as, in Sony’s words, it’s suffered “unauthorised intrusion”. And seen users personal details, credit cards details, logins names and passwords stolen.

Seemingly, Sony’s advise for end users is to keep your eyes on your credit card statements, and change your passwords, as soon as possible.

Might just be a good idea, that …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ? Before I start telling you the embarrassing truth that Indian banks are having a termite problem …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, along with bagging 5 out of 5, also admitting she was taken her foot out of her mouth. It’s ok, Debbi, I won’t tell anyone. But I don’t think even the BBC has THAT sort of long-term contract.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 27th April, 1992, saw Betty Boothroyd elected as the first woman Speaker of the House of Commons: which political party was she a member of … ?

Q2) 27th April, 1981, saw Xerox PARC introduce the computer mouse: how many buttons did that original design have … ?

Q3) 27th April, 1124, saw who named as King of the Scots: David 1st, Malcolm 3rd, or Alexander 2nd … ?

Q4) 27th April, 1984, saw the end of a siege of which country’s London embassy … ?

Q5) And finally … 27th April, 1969, saw the birth of ballerina, Darcey Bussell: with which Ballet company was she Principle Dancer, for many years … ?
And here‘s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th April, 1925, saw who become the first directly elected head of Weimar Germany … ?
A1) Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg: but just putting down General von Hindenburg will do, if you’re in a rush … !!

Q2) 26th April, 1962, saw NASA’s first probe crash-land on the Moon: what was the name of the rocket … ?
Q2) The Ranger 4.

Q3) 26th April, 1964, saw two African nations merge, to form Tanzania: name either of the countries …
A3) Tanganyika and Zanzibar. (Kind of a shame … Zanzibar’s a wonderful word, that I think we should all take a chance to say: ZANZ-i-bar … ! Ahem … !)

Q4) 26th April, saw Robert Steinhäuser shoot and kill 16 people in his old school gym: what Terry Pratchett title is a slang Term for this sort of killing … ?
A4) Going Postal.

Q5) And finally … 26th April, 121AD, saw the birth of which Roman Emperor … ?
A5) Marcus Aurelius. Or Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, if you want it in full …
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you all later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Labour
    2. 3 (the left and right buttons and the scroll wheel)
    3. David 1st
    4. Libya
    5. The Royal Ballet


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