
Thursday 28 April 2011

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve GOT to admit, I’m in two minds about the upcoming Royal Wedding, I really am.

On the one hand … ?

I’m single …

And recently found out someone I’d been getting close to has started dating someone I’d felt was a friend.

So a wedding’s at the moment, is a bit ambiguous, and something I can’t help but be cynical about.

On the other hand … ?

The more upbeat side of me is also wishing Kate and William well.

After all, most people manage to get through both a wedding — and subsequent married life — with ups and downs, but intact and lovingly as a couple, ’til the finish*.

So …


But good luck to ’em both.

I think the one thing that does sort of make me twitch about it … ?

Is the non-stop news coverage.

I think there’s only so much I can take, of reporters telling me about how many other reporters have turned up for the gig!

Oh, and poking their noses into tents

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Before I get a chance to be really cynical … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers, and managing to bag 5 out of 5. AND getting me double checking my answers for the exact number of buttons on the Xerox PARC mouse.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 28th April, 2001, saw millionaire, Dennis Tito become the world’s first space tourist: what was the name of the investment company he founded, back in 1971 … ?

Q2) 28th April, 1932, saw the announcement of a vaccine for Yellow Fever in humans, announced: is Yellow Fever spread by male or female mosquitoes … ?

Q3) 28th April, 1970, saw President Nixon authorize US troops to fight communists where … ?

Q4) 28th April, 1869, saw workers on the Central Pacific Railroad — in a never equalled record — lay how many miles of track, in one day … ?

Q5) And finally … 28th April, 1920, saw which small nation added to the Soviet Union … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th April, 1992, saw Betty Boothroyd elected as the first woman Speaker of the House of Commons: which political party was she a member of … ?
A1) The Labour Party.

Q2) 27th April, 1981, saw Xerox PARC introduce the computer mouse: how many buttons did that original design have … ?
Q2) Two, plus a scroll wheel.

Q3) 27th April, 1124, saw who named as King of the Scots: David 1st, Malcolm 3rd, or Alexander 2nd … ?
A3) David 1st.

Q4) 27th April, 1984, saw the end of a siege of which country’s London embassy … ?
A4) Libya’s.

Q5) And finally … 27th April, 1969, saw the birth of ballerina, Darcey Bussell: with which Ballet company was she Principle Dancer, for many years … ?
A5) The Royal Ballet.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* From what she’s chosen to post, I know Debbi and her husband have: as have Kevin and Sarah, bless ’em

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Paul. Clearly, she wasn't good enough for you. :)

    1. Wilshire Associates Inc.
    2. female
    3. he announced he was withdrawing troops from Vietnam, then 10 days later he announced the invasion of Cambodia (see:
    4. 10 miles
    5. Azerbaijan

    I'm heading to a mystery conference this weekend. So I may not be around to do the trivia. I'll catch you later! :)


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