
Monday 2 May 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Oh, now hang on …

Osama bin Laden’s dead … ?

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve got to confess, I’ve long felt that — if Osama bin Laden were to be captured by US forces, and extradited to the US — he should not be given a death sentence.

After all, this is a man who headed an organisation that — much like Iran during the Iran-Iraq war — valued martyrdom as a tool in his war against the US, and the West.

Being killed, by the US, as part of its judiciary process … ?

I believe to be understandable.

But probably the biggest publicity coup that the US could hand to an organisation that chooses to pervert Islam into a political tool.

I’m also thinking if — as claimed — Osama bin Laden’s been killed by US forces, that this could be on a par: at least in terms of consequences for the US and its citizens.

There’s one more thing.

I’ve also got to confess that I am very sceptical about his death.

Oh, granted, there’s already photos purporting to be of his body, complete with extensive head injuries*.

But nothing official, from the US, or from Al-Qæda.

I think I’d like to see some verification of this.

Just to be sure.

And I’d also like to hear what a certain Mr Blair has to say about this, as well.

After all, he was instrumental it Britain’s response to Osama bin Laden and his ideology.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — back from the Domestic Malice convention and meeting her personal literary hero, Sue Grafton — putting in her answers, and bagging 7 out of 7.

I’m thinking the change of pace has done her good!

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 2nd May, 1611, saw the first publication of which version of the Bible … ?

Q2) More to the point, was that the second, third or fourth official version of the Bible in English … ?

Q3) Whilst we’re being literary … 2nd May, 1885, saw the first publication of which magazine … ?

Q4) 2nd May, 1997, saw which party win the UK’s General Election?

Q5) And finally … 2nd May, 1990, saw the death of actor David Rappaport: in which film did he play Randall … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st May is, obviously, Beltane. This mark the start of what, in Irish mythology: summer, spring or winter … ?
A1) Summer.

Q2) 1st May is also the feast day of Saint Joseph, the father of Christ: name either of the two gospels that feature Saint Joseph.
Q2) Matthew and Luke.

Q3) Equally … 1st May sees the Annual ‘Obby Oss festival: in which Cornish town … ?
A3) Padstow.

Q4) 1st May is Communist Russia’s favourite international holiday: International what day … ?
A4) International Workers Day.

Q5) Moving on … 1st May, 1945, saw Nazi Germany announce the death of who … ?
A5) Adolf Hitler.

Q6) 1st May, 1769 is one of the dates given for the birth of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington: when he originally joined the British Army, what rank did he hold … ?
A6) Ensign.

Q7) And finally … 1st May, 1994, saw the death of Ayrton Senna: at which racetrack … ?
A7) San Marino.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

I’ll leave you with this phone footage of the Jazz duo I saw in Brentwood High Street, a couple of days ago.

* Google for ‘Osama bin Laden dead’. And I’ll warn you now, the results are fairly gory.


  1. So ... I watched Doctor Who. Amazing stuff! :-)

    As for bin Laden, I took pains NOT to write about him on one of my blogs. :)

    1. King James
    2. third
    3. Good Housekeeping
    4. Labour
    5. Time Bandits

  2. And wasn’t Day of the Moon a good one, Debbi … ?

    I’d noticed you’d not mentioned bin Laden: I’d imagine, for most US citizens, it’s quite a touchy subject … … … … 


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