
Thursday 16 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 16-6-11

Hmmm …

Right at the moment … ?

Right at the moment, I’m going to change channels.


I think there’s only SO much Konnie Huq I can deal with at this time of the morning.

Not that there’s anything wrong with her: anyone that helps present Blue Peter for that long is going to be held in a certain amount of regard.


It’s the fact that Yesterday were at it again.

I think it’s about the hundredth time I’ve seen the Who’s In Your History mini-show she did for Yesterday.

Yeah …

They can really overdo the repeats …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets


Yesterday’s Teaser was a quiet one: with absolutely no-one putting in their answers*. So lets see who goes for today’s rather literary questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 16th June is Bloomsday: this celebrates the events of which James Joyce novel … ?

Q2) In which year was that novel set … ?

Q3) And in which city … ?

Q4) What’s the name of the novel’s central character … ?

Q5) As a FINAL Bloomsday question … who got married on Bloomsday, 1956, at Saint George the Matyr Church, in honour of the day … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th June, 1836, saw which US state admitted to the Union … ?
A1) Arkansas.

Q2) 15th June, 1985, saw a painting called Danaë attacked with sulfuric acid. Who was that painting by … ?
Q2) Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. Although just Rembramdt’s fine.

Q3) 15th June, 1978, saw King Hussein of Jordan marry Queen Noor: what had been her name, up until then … ?
A3) Lisa Najeeb Halaby.

Q4) 15th June, 1911, saw the founding of what was to become IBM: under what name?
A4) The Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company.

Q5) And finally … 15th June, 1954 saw the founding of European footballing organisation, UEFA: what does UEFA stand for … ?
A5) Union of European Football Associations.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

After I’ve left you with a clip from Finnegan’s Wake

* I think Debbi has a bit of a do going on, today … !

1 comment:

  1. Hi! You're right. Who knew doing an online book launch could be so time consuming and exhausting? :)

    BTW, hope you had a happy Bloomsday! :) Since I'm part Irish, I suppose I should read more of James Joyce's work.

    Of course, I'm also part English and Scottish. All I need is some Welsh and I'd have all the British isles covered, wouldn't I? :)

    1. Ulysses
    2. 1904
    3. Dublin
    4. Leopold Bloom
    5. Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes


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