
Saturday 25 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 25-6-11

Hmmm …

He says …

There’s a reason for that …

You probably now — by now — that I’m trying to give up smoking.

And I’m using both patches and nicotine replacement gum to do so.

I’m thinking today’s going to be a bad day, for some reason.

Mostly off the back of the fact I’ve been up for an hour, already, and I’ve got through two bits of the gum and I’m getting urges to have another as we speak.

Which is weird, because I’ve actually had a comparatively good week: not only have I managed to cut down on the amount of gum I’ve used, but I’ve actually managed to reduce the amount I’ve been prescribed by quite a lot.

Oh, and had something of a result: apparently, my blood pressure, yesterday, was rather good when I did get checked out, yesterday: 110 over 81.

Hmmm …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I turn into my grandma, and start telling you about my operation …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and a welcomed back @Alexandrafunfit putting in their answers: with Debbi bagging five out of five, and Alexandra bagging 1 and a half — ‘aliens’ is almost close … !

Yesterday ALSO saw Debbi leaving a comment — here — about the death of Peter Falk.

Lets move on, and see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, Creative Commons License and video

Q1) 25th June, 1876 was the date of the Battle of the Little Bighorn, or the Battle of the Greasy Grass, as it’s known to Native Americans: who was the Lakota Sioux holy man and tribal chief whose visions were pivotal in it … ?

Q2) More to the point, the Little Bighorn flows through which two US states … ?

Q3) 25th June, 1947, saw the first publication of The Dairy of A Young Girl: how is this book better known … ?

Q4) 25th June, 1938, saw who named as the first President of Ireland … ?

Q5) 25th June, 1975, saw a State of Emergency declared: in which commonwealth country … ?

Q6) And finally … 25th June, 1903, saw the birth of writer, George Orwell: what was the name of his first published book … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th June, 1902, saw whose coronation delayed, due to a bout of appendicitis … ?
A1) Edward 7th’s.

Q2) One year earlier, 24th June, 1901, saw the first exhibition of the work of Pablo Picasso: in which city … ?
Q2) Paris.

Q3) 24th June, 1880, saw the first performance of Canada’s national anthem: what’s it called … ?
A3) O, Canada.

Q4) 24th June, 1997, saw the US Air force officially close it’s book on what … ?
A4) The Roswell UFO incident. (Which was — curiously enough — 50 years to the day after Keith Arnold’s first report of a UFO, in Washington. Is it me, or is that suspicious … ? Isn’t it … ? It IS, isn’t … ? Someone’s UP to something.)

Q5) And finally … 24th June, 1968, saw the death — by suicide — of actor and comedian, Tony Hancock: in which city was he, when he died … ?
A5) Sydney, Australia.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with this

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you've been watching The X Files. :) The truth is out there. In any event, don't panic. :-D

    Don't mind me. I'm just talking my usual rubbish. :)

    1. Crazy Horse
    2. Wyoming and Montana
    3. The Diary of Anne Frank
    4. Douglas Hyde
    5. India
    6. Down and Out in Paris and London (1933)


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