
Saturday 4 June 2011

The Daily Teaser: 4-6-11

Oh, bless …

Just nattering to an old friend on Facebook’s Chat service.

Bless ’em, they were having a bad morning.

And thinks it may be a while for their mood to improve.

I reckon the person concerned will be fine, though: they’re a tough one.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Shall we … ?


Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and a welcomed back Kaiju putting in their answers: and saw both bagging five out of five!

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 4th June, 1977, saw five British plane-spotters released from a gaol in which country … ?

Q2) 4th June, 1940, saw the formal end of Operation Dynamo: this was the British retreat from which French town … ?

Q3) More to the point, what’s the French name for that town … ?

Q4) 4th June saw the first Pulitzer Prizes awarded: but in which year … ?

Q5) And finally … 4th June, 781 BC, saw the first recorded solar eclipse: in which country was this … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd June, 1850, is the traditional founding date of which Missouri city … ?
A1) Kansas City.

Q2) 3rd June, 1989, saw the formal opening of the Toronto SkyDome, or Rogers Centre, as it’s now known: it’s home to which baseball team … ?
Q2) The Toronto BlueJays.

Q3) 3rd June, 1940, saw the end of which WW2 battle … ?
A3) The Battle of Dunkirk.

Q4) 3rd June, 1957, saw Noel Coward — temporarily — return to the UK: in which 1969 film did he play Mr Bridger … ?
A4) The Italian Job. (“We've come here to pay our respects to Great Aunt Nellie. She brought us up properly and taught us loyalty. Now I want you to remember that during these next few days. I also want you to remember that if you don't come back with the goods, Nellie here will turn in her grave, and, likely as not, jump right out of it and kick your teeth in.”)

Q5) And FINALLY … 3rd June, 1947, saw the birth of special effects man, John Dykstra: which Douglas Trumbull film was the first he worked on as SFX man … ?
A5) Silent Running.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a few wise words from Mr Bridger and Mr Trumbull …

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