
Sunday 12 June 2011

Predators: Blood, Ichor And BIIIIIIIIGGGGGGG Jungles … !

Do you remember me telling you I felt surprisingly un-tired, this morning … ?

You don’t … ?

Shame on you … !

It’s not as if I didn’t mention it … !

But, at any rate, I’m pretty certain of why I was expecting to feel as tired as I didn’t.

You see, Kevin D and I decided to have something of a quiet lads night in — at his place — with a movie, lots of tea, his pack of menthol fags, my pack of mint nicotine gums, a hell of a lot of peanut coated M&Ms …

And a movie, in case you’d not worked what — occasionally — get up to of a Saturday night …

The film, last night … ?

Was the 2010, Robert Rodrigues production, Predators.

And I’ve got to confess, I’m thinking “Hmmm … ” …

Predators sees Adrian Brody as mercenary, Royce: a man who finds himself waking up some distance from the ground, with a parachute just opening as he gets nearer the ground.

Just as he’s getting nearer and nearer to some very unfriendly ground, indeed …

It turns out he’s not the only one.

He’s part of a group of people who’ve been kidnapped and dumped in a harsh — and unfamiliar — area of jungle.

One that’s both unfamiliar to him, or his allies, has — seemingly — no magnetic North, and very long days …

But is also somewhere where the informal team is being hunted …

By …

Well …

All sorts of things.

Including the by-now-famed predators of the title.


Now, here, I think, is where I’m going to confess something, I think …

Predators … ?

Didn’t exactly grab me …

Now, to be fair, I know that Kevin preferred it to some of the earlier entries in the series: he felt that the various Aliens Vs Predators entries had a few too many logical holes — in both franchise backstories — for his happiness.

And it IS entertaining.

Personally, though … ?

Personally, I’ve got to admit, I’m wasn’t EXACTLY stunned by Predators: I’m thinking, here, that it’s fundamentally a very updated retread of the Arnold Schwarzenegger original.

And one I personally feel adds very little — bar rival factions of Predators — to the franchise’s ongoing background*.

Personally … ?

Personally, I know Kevin will disagree with me, here: but I’m going to HAVE to give Predators the following, score and leave you with the trailer.

That way … ?

If you think I’m wrong, you can’t say I didn’t tell you … !

*        Something I felt that Alien Vs Predator entry did, much more successfully: I also have to admit that it’s something I felt that Terminator: Salvation far more successfully, as well.

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