
Sunday 24 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 24-7-11

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’m just glad I managed to record this week’s episode of Click.

You see, I’m a bit of a fan of the BBC News channel’s technology show: and always get frustrated when it’s not on.

Given the attacks in Norway, it’s been delayed, obviously.

Well …

That …

And the death of Amy Winehouse.

Which I think we can say is generating a lot of talk.

Well …

Talk, and posts.

After all, I’m thinking it’s both a shame that such a talented singer has died at such a young age.

And also that she died without getting to the help she so badly — and notoriously — needed.

Sad, that …


But lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, I think we should, shouldn’t we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, along with highlighting a local pet flight service, she also bagged 6 out of 6.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 24th July, 1938, saw the first ascent of the North face of which mountain … ?

Q2) More to the point, in which mountain range is that mountain … ?

Q3) 24th July, 1911, saw the discovery of the lost Incan city of Manchu Picchu: in which South American country … ?

Q4) 24th July, 1935, saw a heat wave which a peak in many parts of the USA: how was this heat wave known … ?

Q5) And finally … 24th July, 2005, saw who win his 7th consecutive Tour de France … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 23rd July, 1903, saw which car-company sell its first car … ?
A1) Ford.

Q2) 23rd July, 1984, saw a government report state that a cluster deaths in Cumbria were not linked to which nuclear plant?
Q2) Sellafield.

Q3) 23rd July, 1995, saw the discovery of which comet … ?
A3) Hale-Bopp.

Q4) That comet became visible to the naked eye in May of which year … ?
A4) 1996.

Q5) 23rd July, 1952, saw the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community: name any of the six founder members.
A5) Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.

Q6) And finally … 23rd July, 1974, saw the collapse of the military government in which European country … ?
A6) Greece.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. the Eiger
    2. the Bernese Alps
    3. Peru
    4. the Silent Killer
    5. Lance Armstrong


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