
Monday, 25 July 2011

The Daily Teaser - 25-7-2011

Oh, bless … !!!!

You know, I’ve got to be frank, I was in Kent, yesterday.

Having Sunday dinner — in a nice little pub-restaurant called The Horseshoes — just outside East Farleigh,

And I’m thinking my nephew, Jude has done it again.

Charmed the rocks off someone, in other words.

In this case … ?

He managed to charm the proverbial rocks off our (unnamed and rather efficient) waitress.

And on top of that … ?

I’m thinking one friend had brought her 4 year old son along, complete with his toy laptop.

Jude, bless him, was fascinated … !

Pretty much as he was with the till at the restaurant, which is what he’s actually eyeing up, in this photo*.

I’ve GOT to be honest, I think Jude’s going to be turning into something of a techno-head.

Judging by the way he’s just downright fascinated by various bits of kit.

Hmmm …

You know, it really is shame I’m as skint as I am.

I mean, I’m thinking it’s my duty, as an uncle, to make sure he get’s a sensible computer …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome, bless — putting her answers: and, along with putting up a post on the costs of fame, managing to bag 4 out of 5.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 25th July, 1978, saw the birth of the world‘s first test tube baby: what was her name … ?

Q2) More to the point, how much did she weigh at birth … ?

Q3) Equally to the point, who famously raised concerns that the procedure could lead to women becoming ‘baby factories’, whilst refusing to condemn the parents … ?

Q4) Moving on … 25th July, 1898, saw the USA begin its land invasion of where … ?

Q5) 25th July, 1603, saw James 6th of Scotland be crowned as James 1st of England: what did he dub the union … ?

Q6) 25th July, 1992, saw the Olympic Games open with a record number of nations, attending: but in which Spanish city … ?

Q7) And finally … 25th July, 1965, saw who notoriously pick up an electric guitar … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 24th July, 1938, saw the first ascent of the North face of which mountain … ?
A1) The Eiger.

Q2) More to the point, in which mountain range is that mountain … ?
Q2) The Alps: the Swiss part of the Alps, I should say.

Q3) 24th July, 1911, saw the discovery of the lost Incan city of Manchu Picchu: in which South American country … ?
A3) Peru.

Q4) 24th July, 1935, saw a heat wave which a peak in many parts of the USA: how was this heat wave known … ?
A4) The Dust Bowl.

Q5) And finally … 24th July, 2005, saw who win his 7th consecutive Tour de France … ?
A5) Lance Armstrong.
Enjoy those, folks. I’ll leave you with this tune from the late Big Mama Thornton, who died today, in 1984.

* Gotta admit, I was trying to flirt with the waitress, but I don’t think she was interested.


  1. 1. Dolly the sheep! hahaha. It was Judy Brown or something like that.
    2. 6.5 kryptons
    3. the Queen
    4. Did they have invasions back in the 1800s? I'll say Mexico, via Texas.
    5. The Confederate States. Or maybe the United Kingdom. Or perhaps Scotland and those silly people down south.
    6. Barcelona
    7. Jimi Hendrix
    I'm sure I didn't get a single one right. But who cares? I at least think the waitress should have given you a good snog!

  2. :D

    Alexandra, don’t I just WISH … !

    Except I’d POSSIBLY get arrested … !

  3. 1. Louise Joy Brown
    2. 5 lb. 12 oz.
    3. the Roman Catholic Church
    4. Puerto Rico
    5. Great Britain
    6. Barcelona
    7. Bob Dylan

    I love the word "snog"! I think we need to import that one. LOL!


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