
Sunday 31 July 2011

The Daily Teaser: 31-7-2011

You know, I’ve got to admit I’m blowed if I know what happened …

But …


Mr Strict managed to put his answer for yesterday’s Teaser …

Which then managed to — somehow — get eaten by Google.

Although I’ve got a nasty feeling I may have hit the wrong button … !

On the up side, though … ?

On the up side, I’m just glad I do have Word Verification turned on.

It meant I was able to copy and paste his answers from the email I’d got to let me know Mr S had commented, into a new comment …

My actual response to all of this … ?

Was basically to go “PHEW” … !

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict — after a bit of metaphorical ball-fumbling from your genial host — putting his answers: and, along with bagging 6 out of 6, he also managed to dig up a quick tune, from a well known Tenor.

Let’s see how he — and everyone else — does with today’s question, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 31st July, 1975, saw the birth of actress Emilia Fox: what’s the name of her character in the series, Merlin … ?

Q2) More to the point, which Jackal is her father … ?

Q3) 31st July, 781AD, is the date of the oldest recorded eruption of which volcano?

Q4) 31st July, 1658, saw Aurangzeb named as emperor of where … ?

Q5) 31st July, 1976, saw NASA release the famous — or infamous — Face on Mars photo: the Face is in which region of Mars … ?

Q6) And finally … 31st July, 1998, saw the UK government announce a total ban on landmines: which member of the Royal family championed this … ?
And here‘s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th July, 1966, saw England win the final of the World Cup: who were they playing … ?
A1) West Germany.

Q2) More to the point, who collected the Jules Rimet Trophy on behalf of the team … ?
Q2) Bobby Moore.

Q3) 30th July, 1729, saw the founding of which US city … ?
A3) Baltimore, Maryland. (And if you’ve got that one wrong, Debbi … )

Q4) On a similar theme … 30th July, 762, saw the founding of the city of Baghdad: by which Caliph … ?
A4) Abu Ja’far Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Mansur: better known in the west as Al Mansur, and بو جعفر عبدالله بن محمد المنصور in Arabic.

Q5) 30th July, 2003, saw the last old style Volkswagen Beetle roll off the assembly line: in which country … ?
A5) Mexico.

Q6) And finally … 30th July, 1991, saw who celebrating 30 years in the business, with a free concert in Hyde Park … ?
A6) Luciano Pavarotti.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. Oh, wow! A question about Baltimore. I'm sorry I missed the last teaser quiz, but it was a really long day ...

    1. Morgause
    2. Edward Fox
    3. Mount Fuji
    4. India
    5. Cydonia
    6. Princess Diana of Wales

  2. 1.Morgause
    2. Uther
    3. Mount Fuji
    4. India
    5. Cydonia region
    6. Princess Diana


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