
Monday 1 August 2011

The Daily Teaser — 1-8-2011

Hmmm …

I’ve got to admit, I’ve got a cheeky copy of The Masque Of Mandragora gently playing in the background.

Dodgy politics, evil alien entities, seriously iffy court astrologers …

And all of it filmed in 20th Century Portmeirion, dressed up as a small 15th century Italian dukedom.

Rather nice to see it, after all these years.

SAYING that … ?

I might just hit the pause button.

Just so I can give myself time to enjoy it, properly.

I mean, it’s not that often I get to see the more rural bits of the Village, after all …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbiº, bless her, putting in her answers: and managing to bag six out of six.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 1st August 1855, saw the first ascent of the second highest mountain in the Alps: what’s that mountain’s name … ?

Q2) 1st August, 1981, saw the first broadcast of TV station, MTV: which US band featured on the first episode of MTV: Unplugged?

Q3) 1st August, 1914, saw the start of World War 1, when Germany declared war on Russia: which famously neutral country’s Army mobilised, that day … ?

Q4) 1st August, 1980, saw Vigdís Finnbogadóttir become the world’s first democratically elected head of state*: which country was she President of … ?

Q5) And finally … 1st August, 1960, saw Pakistan name its federal capital: which city is it … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 31st July, 1975, saw the birth of actress Emilia Fox: what’s the name of her character in the series, Merlin … ?
A1) Morgause.

Q2) More to the point, which Jackal is her father … ?
Q2) Edward Fox, who famously played the Jackal, in the 1973 version of The Day of the Jackal.

Q3) 31st July, 781AD, is the date of the oldest recorded eruption of which volcano?
A3) Mount Fuji.

Q4) 31st July, 1658, saw Aurangzeb named as emperor of where … ?
A4) India.

Q5) 31st July, 1976, saw NASA release the famous — or infamous — Face on Mars photo: the Face is in which region of Mars … ?
A5) Cydonia.

Q6) And finally … 31st July, 1998, saw the UK government announce a total ban on landmines: which member of the Royal family championed this … ?
A6) Princess Diana.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a tune from Oliver, as it’s Lionel Bart’s birthday …

º Yeah, I couldn’t resist putting that that Baltimore question in, Debbi, shame you couldn’t make it …

* Head of State, or president, as opposed to female Prime Minister, who usually — elected or otherwise — is just the head of government.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed it, too. :( It was a really lo-o-ong day.

    Speaking of absences, I'm taking a break from computer until mid-August. I may check in tomorrow, hopefully. :)

    1. Monte Rosa
    2. Nirvana
    3. Belgium
    4. Iceland
    5. Islamabad


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