
Thursday 13 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 13-10-2011

Hmmm …

I’ve got to admit, I think the older I get, the more distractable I get.

I’ve just been lining everything up for today’s Teaser post.

Quite happily, in fact.

Complete with a mention of last night’s post — over on Nik Nak and Grub’s Who Peculiar — about last night’s episode of The Fades*.

But managed to do so …

Well …

Basically by going all around the houses.

Via — would you believe — Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance and a very old — and still slightly creepy — Metz advert.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I go into too much detail … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answers: both scoring 6 out of 6, and quietly reminding us of her research skills.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and videoª …

Q1) 13th October, 1988, saw the British government lose its court battle to prevent the publication of Spycatcher: who wrote Spycatcher?

Q2) 13th October, 1943, saw Italy declare war … on who … ?

Q3) 13th October, 1923, saw which city named as the new capital of Turkey?

Q4) Following on … 13th October, 1923, saw which city replaced as the capital of Turkey … ?

Q5) 13th October, 1884, saw the Greenwich Meridian named as the base-line for Universal time: is that meridian a line of longitude, or latitude … ?

Q6) And finally … 13th October, 1301, saw agents of Phillippe Le Bel of France arrest hundreds of members of which order … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th October, 1978, saw Sex Pistols bassist, Sid Vicious, arrested for the murder of his girlfriend: what was her name … ?
A1) Nancy Spungen.

Q2) More to the point, in which part of New York was this … ?
A2) Manhattan.

Q3) 12th October, 1492, saw Christopher Columbus which the Bahamas, believing he’d reached where: South Asia, East Asia or Central Asia?
A3) East Asia.

Q4) 12th October, 1928, saw the first use of which respirator?
A4) The Negative Pressure Respirator: otherwise known as the Iron Lung.

Q5) 12th October, 1979, saw the publication of the first novel in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Series: what’s the name of the main human character … ?
A5) Arthur Dent.

Q6) And finally … 12th September, 1915, saw the execution of Edith Cavell, by German firing squad: after she’d helped Allied troops escape which country?
A6) Belgium.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* Fantastically gruesome stuff, I should add, Debbi, before you ask: although how a pair of 17 year-olds know THAT much about Mork and Mindy, I’ll never know …

ª Just so you know, the Tube Map on the introductory slide of today’s video, is the 1953 London Tube map used as the basis for Mornington Crescent. I would suggest you refer to NF Stovold’s Mornington Crescent: Rules and Origins for further details …


  1. So, this show The Fades has Mork and Mindy references? Hmm ...

    1. Peter Wright
    2. Germany
    3. Ankara
    4. Istanbul
    5. longitude
    6. Knights Templar

  2. Yeap: thankfully not too many, though, Debbi.

    It’s mostly about the blood, guts, and assorted (for BBC3) gruesome deaths.

    Actually … ?

    If you like the idea of a very British, it’s worth checking out, should BBC America start showing it: the villain is incredibly sympathetic … !

  3. Sorry, Very British Buffy, I meant, there … !


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