
Thursday 27 October 2011

The Daily Teaser - 27-10-2011

Hmmm …

Well …

Hmmmmm … … … !

You wondering, aren’t you … ?

I can tell, you know.

What’s actually provoked all that lot?

Is the simple fact that YouTube’s gone and changed its uploading interface.

Something you’ve probably guessed I see a lot of.

They’ve …

Well, they’s fancied it up a touch. And in so doing, made it look a lot nicer.

I like it, I really do.

I just wish YouTube had just … well … maybe warned people before-hand …

Hmmm …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi and a heartily welcomed back Nina putting their answers, with both ladies bagging 6 out of 6: including the notorious mouthful that was yesterday’s fourth question*.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with their USUAL company, the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 27th October, 1275, saw the first recorded mention of which Dutch city … ?

Q2) More to the point, which river terminates in the heart of that city … ?

Q3) 27th October, 1977, saw Liberal leader, Jeremy Thorpe, deny he‘d been involved in a plot to kill whom … ?

Q4) 27th October, 1986, saw the British government deregulate what … ?

Q5) 27th October, 1971, saw the Democratic Republic of the Congo change it’s name to what … ?

Q6) And finally … 27th October, 1961, saw the first launch of an Apollo rocket: from where … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th October, 1947, saw the Maharaja of where allow his state to join India … ?
A1) Kashmir.

Q2) 26th October, 1958, saw the first commercial of the Boeing 707: by which carrier … ?
A2) Pan American Airways.

Q3) More to the point, where was it going … ?
A3) Paris, France.

Q4) 26th October, 2001, saw the USA PATRIOT Act signed into US law: what does USA PATRIOT stand for … ?
A4) Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism. (Handy, it boils down to a nice couple of words … )

Q5) 26th October, 1979, saw the president of where, shot by his Chief of Intelligence … ?
A5) South Korea. (The shooter in question, Kim Jea Kyu, claims to have done this accidentally. Feel free to insert a comment … )

Q6) And finally … 26th October, 2000, saw the Phillips Report criticise the government for misleading the public about BSE and vCJD: what does vCJD stand for … ?
A6) Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease.
Enjoy those, everyone …

Now …

Is it me, or does harp-player, Southside Johnny look like a very young Steve Jobs … ?

* I personally get the feeling that the name of the USA PATRIOT Act is what’s called a backronym. In other words, the meaning was given to the acronym only AFTER it was made up …


  1. Thanks for the warm welcome back, guys... :)

    1) Lovely Amsterdam (one of the most welcoming cities I've been to :))
    2) Amstel (been on a pedal boat ride on the canals, brilliant :))
    3) Norman Scott
    4) The financial markets
    5) Republic of Zaire
    6) Cape Canaveral

    Nice to be back. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Always great to see you, Nina! The floral avatar is a nice touch. :)

    1. Amsterdam (haven't been there, but someday ...)
    2. Amstel
    3. Norman Scott
    4. the financial markets
    5. the Republic of Zaire
    6. Cape Canaveral

  4. Wouldn’t mind going, meself, frankly.

    I do know that at least one Dr Who there …


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