
Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Daily Teaser — 4-10-2011

Oh good … Grief … !

I hate it when the news channel does that,

Interviews with politicians, that is … !

About the only upside is that David Cameron — much like Deputy PM, Nick Clegg — manages to present himself a touch better than Ed Milliband.

Not that THAT’S hard … !

I’m thinking there’s probably small lumps of cheese that present better than Ed Milliband … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I start sounding like Tory Boy … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Nina putting their answers: with both bagging 5 out of 5, it both saw both of our regulars complaining about ’flu jabs. (There’s possibly a comment, there … )

But lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 4th October, 1985, saw the founding of the Free Software Foundation, in Massachusetts: by whom?

Q2) 4th October saw SpaceShipOne win the prize for being the first private space ship to go into space: in which year?

Q3) 4th October, 1957, saw the launch of Sputnik 1 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome: that launch site is now in what’s which independent state?

Q4) 4th October, 1976, saw the launch of the British Intercity125. This had a top speed of 125 mph: how much that km/h?

Q5) And finally … 4th October, 1993 saw the skirmish in Somalia that was later turned into the film, Black Hawk Down: who directed that film?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd October, 1995, saw O. J. Simpson acquitted of murder: what does ‘OJ’ stand for … ?
A1) Orenthal James.

Q2) 3rd October, 1835, saw the founding of noted pencil makers, the Stædtler Company: in which German city?
A2) Nuremberg.

Q3) 3rd October, 1964, is the date that — allegedly — saw the first serving of what, in a New York restaurant?
A3) Buffalo Wings.

Q4) 3rd October, 1990, saw the formal reunification of which European country … ?
A4) Germany.

Q5) And finally … 3rd October, 1975, saw the end of the siege in which London restaurant?
A5) The Spaghetti House*.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* The Spaghetti House Incident’ does not sound like a comedy movie. No, really … … …


  1. 1) Richard Stallman
    2) 2004
    3) Kazakhstan
    4) 201.168 km/h
    5) Ridley Scott


  2. 1. Richard Stallman
    2. 2004
    3. Kazakstan
    4. 201 km/h
    5. Ridley Scott


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