
Wednesday 23 November 2011

The Daily Teaser — 23-11-2011

Hmmm …

Yeah …

23rd of November … !

I’ve got to admit, I’m a BIT of a Dr Who fan.

You probably noticed, hadn’t you … ?

At any rate, I have to admit, I couldn’t resist the theme for today’s Teaser.

Given that 23rd November, 1963, was the broadcast date for the original episode.

Let’s get moving on, shall we?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Nina putting in their answers: with both bagging 5 out of 5, it ALSO saw them both giving Tom Hanks* a mention.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 23rd November, 1963, saw the start of Dr Who, the world’s longest running science-fiction TV show: what was the name of that first episode … ?

Q2) The Doctor’s grand-daughter appears in the episode: what was her name … ?

Q3) As we know, TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space: which actress played the TARDIS in the recent episode, The Doctor’s Wife … ?

Q4) More to the point, the Doctor’s TARDIS is permanently stuck in the shape of a what … ?

Q5) What’s the name of the current actor who’s playing the Dr … ?

Q6) Moving on … 23rd November, 2001, saw the signing of the Convention on Cybercrime: in which European city … ?

Q7) 23rd November, 1499, saw Perkin Warbeck hung for escaping the Tower of London. What did he claim to be: heir to the English throne, a Messiah or the Bishop of Bath and Welles.

Q8) And finally … 23rd November, 1644 saw John Milton publish a leaflet denouncing what: censorship, the Catholic church or witchcraft … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22rd November, 1963, saw Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in as US President, after the death of John F. Kennedy. What did the B stand for … ?
A1) Baines.

Q2) 22nd November, 1977, saw British Airways inaugurate their London to New York flights: with which supersonic aircraft … ?
A2) Concorde.

Q3) 22nd November, 1975, saw who, named as King of Spain, after the death of General Franco … ?
A3) Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias: best known, today, of course, as King Juan Carlos 1st of Spain.

Q4) 22nd November, 1997 saw the death of Australian rocker, Michæl Hutchence: name any of the lead singers — excluding guest leads, Jimmy Barnes and Terence Trent D’Arby — who’ve fronted InXS, since 1997.
A4) Ciaran Gribbin, Jon Stevens, J. D. Fortune.

Q5) And finally … 22nd November, 1995, saw the release of the first feature-length, fully CGI film: what was it called … ?
A5) Toy Story.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.

After I’ve left you with the first Doctor’s last words to his granddaughter†.

* Now, now, Ladies … ! Can we keep the fighting, outside, please … ?!

Which I still believe to be one of the most powerful — and heartrending — pieces of TV, I’ve ever seen …


  1. Here are my answers to todays teaser:
    Q1 An Unearthly Child.
    Q2 Susan.
    Q3 Suranna Jones
    Q4 Police Telephone Box
    Q5 Matt Smith
    Q6 Budapest
    Q7 Heir to the English throne
    Q8 censorship
    All these answers could be totally wrong as I am still trying to recover from seeing Matt shirtless on Friday evening in Children in Need !

  2. Now, why doesn’t that surprise me, Sue … ? :D

  3. 1) An Unearthly Child (and I've seen it! :) I'm in season 25 already! :))
    2) Susan Foreman
    3) Suranna Jones
    4) A Police box
    5) Matt Smith
    6) Budapest (LOVELY city!)
    7) He claimed to be to be Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York, i.e. heir to the throne
    8) "for the liberty of unlicenced printing", so that should be against censorship, then... :)

    Debbi: Having the same birthday does not (luckily) make you a co-culprit in Tom's crimes... ;) Sadly, I don't have Bette Midler's career, either... ;)

  4. Thank you, Nina, for not holding the birthday coincidence against me! :)

    Paul, I'd never lift a finger against Nina. Shame on you! ;)

    1. An Unearthly Child
    2. Susan Foreman
    3. Suranne Jones
    4. a police box
    5. Matt Smith
    6. Budapest
    7. heir to the English throne
    8. censorship


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