Hmmm …
Now, I’ve got to confess, the older I get, the more appealing the BBC’s talk Radio service, Radio 4, gets.
I’m thinking TV is officially getting silly.
Or, at least, sillier.
One thing I think I definitely like … ?
Is their news bulletins.
Short and sweet.
And, today, mentioning the fact that Amnesty International have spoken out against the current Egyptian military regime.
Something I know I can’t remember the venerable human rights organisation having done for some time.
Lets hope that get’s listened to, shall we … ?
Lets get moving on, shall we … ?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers: and, along with highlighting the discrepancies between Wikipedia and the BBC*, ALSO managed to bag 6 out of 6. Yesterday ALSO saw Portugal putting in their answers to one of the Teaser’s, way back in Mayº! Welcome aboard, Portugal, please feel free to try todays Teaser … !
Talking of today’s Teaser … ? Let’s see how everyone does with todays questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video …
Q1) 22rd November, 1963, saw Lyndon B. Johnson sworn in as US President, after the death of John F. Kennedy. What did the B stand for … ?Q2) 22nd November, 1977, saw British Airways inaugurate their London to New York flights: with which supersonic aircraft … ?Q3) 22nd November, 1975, saw who, named as King of Spain, after the death of General Franco … ?Q4) 22nd November, 1997 saw the death of Australian rocker, Michæl Hutchence: name any of the lead singers — excluding guest leads, Jimmy Barnes and Terence Trent D’Arby — who’ve fronted InXS, since 1997.Q5) And finally … 22nd November, 1995, saw the release of the first feature-length, fully CGI film: what was it called … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 21st November, 1272, saw who become King of England … ?A1) Edward 1st.Q2) That king was ALSO as ‘The Hammer of the’ … whom … ?A2) Scots.Q3) Moving on … 21st, 1918, saw Estonia adopt its flag: name the three colours on that flag.A3) Blue, black and white: with blue at the top, black in the middle and white on the bottom.Q4) 21st November, 1985, saw the end of the Geneva Summit, between the USA and the USSR: in which country is Geneva?A4) Switzerland.Q5) 21st November, 1905, saw the first publication of Einstein’s paper, ‘Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?’: which famed equation did this give rise to … ?A5) E=MC2.Q6) And finally … 21st November, 1916, saw the sinking of the HMHS Britannic: what does HMHS stand for … ?A6) His/Her Majesties Hospital Ship.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …
* I’ve got to confess, Debbi, I went with Wikipedia, myself: partly because it — in the Nuremberg trials articles listed the defendants — but also partly because — unlike Aunty Beeb — can list checkable sources in the better written articles.
1) Baines
2) Concorde
3) Juan Carlos I
4) Jon Stevens, J.D Fortune, Ciaran Gribbin
5) Toy BLOODY Story (Don't like movies that are made just so they can sell crap afterwards. Plus I HATE Tom Hanks.)
*scratching with pen knife*
1. Baines
2. Concorde
3. Juan Carlos
4. Jon Stevens, J.D. Fortune and Ciaran Gribbin
5. Toy Story
Tom Hanks and I have the same birthday. *ducks for cover*
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